Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid PTSD Quality Improvement Presentation Poster

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Health Medical

Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid


For this assessment, you may take one of two approaches:

  • The first is to build upon the clinical issue that was the focus of your Change Strategy and Implementation assessment, and turn it into a full, organization- or community-wide quality improvement initiative.
  • The second is to identify a new issue related to a biopsychosocial (BPS) clinical issue, or a clinical issue related to one of the items from the list of conditions, diseases, and disorders presented in the Resources section for the Concept Map assessment. The focus should be on a community rather than on a specific patient or health care setting.

As a master's level nurse, your specific focus is on reviewing the implications of the data relevant to the clinical issue you are trying to address. Once you research this, review the aggregate data, and understand the BPS considerations relevant to the clinical issue, you can suggest strategies for improving the quality, equitability, and safety of care around the issue. You should act as an advocate for the value and need to pursue quality improvements to leadership and executives, as well as be able to present potential projects to a wide range of colleagues and community stakeholders.

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Explanation & Answer

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Quality improvement Presentation Poster


The healthcare organization has high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among patients who are discharged from
intensive care unit (ICU). These high rates present adverse patient outcomes hence the need for an intervention to address them. The proposed
intervention is training nurses in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and availing psychotherapists for these patients. The proposed method for
implementation is the clinical audit cycle. This cycle will ensure an analysis of current performance and the required improvements. The
method is based on definition of standards which have to be achieved through project implementation and evaluation. It is expected that the
clinical audit cycle will promote change towards achieving lower rates of depression and PTSD in the target population.

Audit Cycle for Quality Improvement
December, 2020
Anticipated Challenges

Quality Improvement Method
• Clinical audit checks a certain aspect of care against specified

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