University of California Riverside American Study Questions

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University of California Riverside


Please answer the following 10 questions, in some cases a word or two. Need to quote from the lecture or the book.

The lecture are in the files. Also the access to eBook is in the file too.

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1. In his Farwell address to the nation in the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower warned the country about two institutions that now dominate the US? What was the name he gave to the institutions? 2. “The ability to impose ones will on others, even without their consent” defines what? 3. According to C. Wright Mills? Which groups comprise the Power Elite? 4. In a 1991 book, Philomena Essed identified three forms of everyday racism. What are they? 5. There is a US ideal that people have the right to vote. From the lecture on race/ethnicity, it was pointed out that this ‘right to vote’ is in name only for minorities because one political party (Republican) consistently tries to do what about voting? 6. In popular discussions about race and the prevalence of prejudice, discrimination and racism in the US, and especially about white police treatment of African Americans, what do these abbreviations stand for: DWB, LWB, JWB, WWB? 7. When White terrorists bombed a Black church in Birmingham, Alabama, and killed five black children, the act was deplored by most elements of U.S. society. At the same time, when hundreds of Black babies die each year in Birmingham because of the effects of racism, no one in the power structure gets upset and calls this violence. Which two black authors and civil rights leaders made the above comments? 8. Offenses such as alcoholism, excessive gambling and prostitution fall under which type of offenses or crimes? 1 9. Outgoing president Trump unilaterally withdrew the United States from a treaty that was signed several decades with the Soviet Union/Russia. What was that treaty? 10. If the CIA, the National Security Agency or Department of Homeland Security deliberately listen to phone calls, capture text messages, or extra emails of anti-government protesters, such actions would fall under what category of crimes discussed in lecture? 2
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Running head: AMERICAN STUDY


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1. In his Farwell address to the nation in the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower warned the
country about two institutions that now dominate the U.S.? What was the name he gave to the
The military-industrial complex
2. "The ability to impose one's will on others, even without their consent" defines what?
3. According to C. Wright Mills? Which groups comprise the Power Elite?
The military, political and economic
4. In a 1991 book, Philomena Essed identified three forms of everyday racism. What are
Marginalization, Problematization, and Containment.
5. There is a U.S. ideal that people have the right to vote. From the lecture on race/ethnicity,
it was pointed out that this 'right to vote' is in the name only for minorities because one
political party (Republican) consistently tries to do what about voting?
Split areas with heavy concentrations of minorities into separate districts so that whites
are in the majority in each area, ensuring ...

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