Columbia Southern University General Chemistry and Finding Density Problems

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Columbia Southern University


  1. Potassium has two naturally occurring isotopes. The masses (amu) and percent abundances of the two isotopes are given below. Show your work, and calculate the average atomic mass of the element in amu units.
  2. Homework Table

  3. Name the steps of the scientific method and apply them to an everyday problem you might solve using the method. Be detailed with your answer, and explain each step of your problem.
  1. Which of the items below would be considered the densest? (Show your step-by-step work for calculating density of each, in the units of g/mL, to support of your final answer)
    1. A piece of wood with a volume of 2.5 L and a mass of 12.5 kg
    2. A ball with a volume of 139 mL and a mass of 93 g
    3. A tire with a volume of 2.12 L and a mass of 4.22 x 104 mg
    4. A wire with a volume of 3.91 x 10-7 L and a mass of 7.93 x 10-1 ng
    5. A block of metal with a volume of 1350 mL and a mass of 1.29 x 103 g

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