HI 255 Purdue Global Medical Coding & Healthcare Administration Discussion

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Health Medical

HI 255

Purdue University Global



HI255: Medical Coding II

Topic #1: External Causes Codes

For this DB we’re going to explore the Index of External Causes of Injuries. Who can find the oddest code? You should find, list and explain at least 5 different External Cause codes. They should be odd enough that you want to scratch your head and say, “How did they come up with that one?” Let’s have some fun with this--What will be your “Code of the Week?”

Participation Expectations: Please engage on this topic throughout the unit by posting one main response. Your main post to the discussion should contain at least 150 words, with no more than 10% quoting, and cite any sources used on a reference list following APA format.

HS230: Health Care Administration

Topic #2: Pharmaceutical Marketing to Physicians

Do you believe it is ethical for pharmaceutical companies to market to Physicians? Why or why not?

Participation Expectations: Please engage on this topic throughout the unit by posting one main response. Your main post to the discussion should contain at least 150 words, with no more than 10% quoting, and cite any sources used on a reference list following APA format.

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HI255 Medical Coding II Discussion Board Grad Instructor feedback and comments go here. Initial post timeliness Introductory Emergent 0-1 2 No initial post (0). Provides initial post by Provides initial post after Sunday Sunday (1). No additional comments Additional comments (0). Posts comments and engagement unrelated to the Discussion topic (1). Posts one comment related to the discussion topic. Initial Response Content Quality Submission does not relate to the topic and/or incomplete responses to most topics. Answers some question/topics with some clearly stated opinions. Spelling/ Grammar/ Formatting/ Mechanics Significant errors in spelling and/or grammar. Major flaws in writing mechanics and formatting. Poor spelling and grammar are apparent. Does not use APA intext style formatting when needed. Submission does not meet length requirements. Only one post meets length requirements and/or inital post does not meet length requirements Length* (applies to Discussion Boards with posted length requirements) Coding II Discussion Board Grading Rubric Total available points = Practiced Proficient/Mastered 3 4 N/A Provides an initial post by Saturday. Posts 2 or more comments in response to others that Posts 2 comments provide thoughtful insight to related to the discussion the topic and frequently topic. attempts to motivate the group discussion. 20 Score Weight Final Score 4 15% 0.60 4 30% 1.20 Answers all questions with opinions and ideas that are stated clearly. Answers all questions with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using outside sources when appropriate. 4 40% 1.60 Uses Standard American English with rare errors and misspellings. Minor errors in APA in-text style formatting when needed. Includes list of references when citations are used. Consistently uses Standard American English with rare misspellings. Appropriate mechanics and APA in-text style formatting when needed. Includes a properly formatted list of references when citations are used. 4 10% 0.40 Initial post and one reply post meet length requirements All submissions meet posted length requirements. 4 5% 0.20 100% 4.00 Final Score 20.0 Percentage 100.00%
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Medical Coding and Healthcare Administration

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HI255: Medical Coding II
In healthcare, codes are used in explaining various condition that occurs in the human
body. External cause codes are some of the popular health indexes that are used in healthcare.
External health codes are used to report poisonings injuries and other external causes. The
external causes of injuries are found in Chapter 19, Injury, poisoning & other consequences of
external causes, and also in Chapter 20, External causes of Morbidity. They utilize letters like S,
T, V, W, X, and Y (Ahmed Talha & Kohno, 2020). There are some of the codes that are funny
and amazing. One of the denotable codes that is common is V70.7XXD. The code involves a
person outside a bus and injured in a collision with an animal or pedestrian...

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