BBS 324 EUBS Ikea Innovative Sustainable Supply Chain Management Discussion

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BBS 324

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Pick up one company from the following list

• Inditex • VW Wolsfburg • Starbucks • Carrefour • IKEA • Inditex • Unilever • Nestle • McDonald’s • Nike • H&M • Amazon • Samsung

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BBS324 INNOVATIVE SUTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Task brief & rubrics Final Assessment The task is individual The deliverable has to be a report (of about 1.000 words) The weight is equivalent to 100% of the whole course The report has to be delivered by mail before Sunday 13th at 23h 59 Pick up one company from the following list • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1) 2) 3) 4) Inditex VW Wolsfburg Starbucks Carrefour IKEA Inditex Unilever Nestle McDonald’s Nike H&M Amazon Samsung Briefly describe the company (shareholders, products/services provided, sales figures, recent evolution) and identify its supply chain Discuss how the selected company achieves a balance between Supply chain arrangements and consumer value Identify their Supply Chain. Describe each of the three parts of this SC a. Supplies b. Manufacturing or creation of services c. Distribution channels 5) Make a critical analysis of each of them and of the supply chain as a whole 6) Discuss availability in logistics customer service and Provide examples of the different ways to monitor the company’s performance in availability. Rubric Exceptional 90-100 Knowledge & Student demonstrates clear understanding understanding of the Supply (35%) Chain Management concepts involved in the discussion questions; Provide relevant examples from Corporate world to establish a connection between practice and theory; Free of grammatical or stylistic errors Critical Student comments significantly evaluation add to the learning process; (35%) demonstrates higher level of critical thinking-analysis, synthesis& evaluation. Written Communicati on (20%) Synthesis (10%) Student communicates their ideas extremely clearly and concisely. Able to connect theory with the case study, comments are focused and concise. Student synthesizes the content of their writing with exceptional clarity and concision Good 80-89 Student demonstrates fair understanding of the Supply Chain Management concepts involved in the discussion questions; Provide few examples from Corporate world to establish a connection between practice and theory; Few grammatical or stylistic errors. Student comments add to the learning process; demonstrates moderate level of critical thinking analysis, synthesis& evaluation. Fair 70-79 Student demonstrates few, if any new ideas or connections; summarize other postings; Several grammatical or stylistic errors. Generally competent; information is average doesn’t add to the continuous learning process; grammatical or stylistic errors interfere with the content. Student communicates their Student communicates their ideas clearly and concisely. ideas with some clarity and Able to connect with the case concision. study but lack depth and/or Limited, if any connections with detail. the case study; vague generalities Student synthesizes the content Student synthesizes the content of their writing with some clarity of their writing, although work and concision lacks clarity and/or concision Fail
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Innovative Sustainable Supply Chain Management-IKEA
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1. Brief Description of IKEA
IKEA is a home furnishing retail store that is the largest furniture seller across the
world. Markedly, the furniture store operates approximately four hundred stores in different
nations. Worthy mentioning, the furniture store offers goods that are low priced, sold under
flat-pack compact form by customer's in-home assembly. Notably, IKEA was started in
Sweden in 1943, and it is still flaunting its store exteriors origins, which are decorated in
Swedish flag colors; yellow and blue (Cosmo & Yang, 2017). Besides, the in-store
restaurants commonly serve Swedish dishes, and the products of the company bear Swedish
names, although IKEA’s headquarters are currently in the Netherlands. Most importantly,
shareholders do not own IKEA company; preferably, the organization is controlled by
various operating companies, non-profit foundations, and holding companies (Cosmo &
Yang, 2017). . Remarkably, the complicated corporate organization was developed partly as
a response to high taxation in Sweden. Worthy mentioning, furniture flat-packing was a
vital factor employed in 1956 to help reduce the company's costs and enable the company to
cut prices(Cosmo & Yang, 2017). However, in the 1950s, unhappy competitors of IKEA
pressured manufacturers in Sweden who subsequently stopped supplying the company with
their products and services. Nevertheless, IKEA reacted by introducing its design work
through foreign supplier contact, particularly Poland and Denmark. Later, IKEA started a

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