CIS 450 Aspen University Electronic Medication Administration Record Discussion

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Health Medical

cis 450

Aspen University



Discussion Question:

Based on your research, what conclusions have you been able to draw related to your final presentation topic? Please describe your final presentation topic and the conclusions you have drawn from the literature you have researched. Are practice changes recommended for your current practice? Why or why not?

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 200 words in length.

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Explanation & Answer

Hi! This is the discussion post for the prompt

For my signature assignment project, I am focusing on the electronic medication
administration record (eMAR) technology. The eMAR technology can be regarded as one of
the most important contributions of the electronic medical record (EMR) to healthcare. The
eMAR stores data about patients’ medication on a digital record to reduce the liability of
human error that could, otherwise, lead to dire consequences for the patients as well as the
staff. The technology is aimed at providing proper medication, at the proper time to the
During the course of my research on this technology, I discovered the significance of
eMAR to reduce and prevent the incidence of adverse drug events (ADEs) in hospital and
outpatient settings. An adverse drug event is the harm or potential injury experienced by a
patient as a result of improper medication. In certain cases, ADEs can be simply due to
human error on part of the nurse responsible for administering medication to the patient. A
study conducted by Truitt et al. (2016) explored the impact of eMAR technology in reducing
ADEs. There was a decline from 0.26% to 0.20% in ADE incidents and from 0.089% to
0.036% in transcription errors after the implementation of eMAR technology. A similar
decline in human error was observed in a study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital...

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