ITS 455 CSU Global Anthem Health Insurances Cyberattack in Indianapolis Case Study

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ITS 455

Colorado State University Global Campus



Option #2: Economic Espionage Forensic Report

Economic espionage is a serious threat to U.S. companies that rely on innovation, according to the National Counterintelligence and Security Center's 2018 report, Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace (Links to an external site.).

Based on the case you researched and analyzed in Modules 2 and 4, write revised policies in response to the economic espionage attack.

Be sure to include in your assignment:

  • Background information about case
    • A profile of the organization
    • When the incident occurred
    • What happened as a result of the attack
  • What the organization must protect
  • Potential threats to security
  • User responsibilities
  • Monitoring of the computer systems
  • Access controls
  • Penalties for violation

Your paper must meet the following requirements:

  • 8-10 pages in length, not including the cover page and reference page.
  • Formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include an introduction, a body with fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Be clearly and well-written using excellent grammar and style techniques. Be concise. Be logical. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style, visit the Writing Center (Links to an external site.), which is also accessible from the Library's homepage.
  • Support your paper with at least four peer-reviewed, scholarly references. The CSU Global Library is a great place to find these resources.

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1 Module 2 Portfolio Milestone Terri Bradshaw Colorado State University-Global Campus ITS455 Dr. H. Anwar Ahmad November 10, 2020 2 Module 2 Portfolio Milestone I have selected option 2 for my Portfolio Project. I will focus on the case of Hongjin Tan, a Chinese national and a legal permanent resident of the United States. Tan has been accused of stealing trade secrets from the petroleum company in Oklahoma where he was employed. The estimated value of the trade secrets he stole is believed to be more than $1 billion (Kupec, 2020). Tan pleaded guilty to theft, unauthorized transmission, and unauthorized possession of a trade secret (Sun, 2020). The investigation was conducted by the FBI and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations. Assistant U.S. Attorney Joel-lyn A. McCormick of the Northern District of Oklahoma and Trial Attorney Matthew J. McKenzie of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (CES) prosecuted the case, with assistance from Trial Attorney Matthew R. Walczewski and Assistant Deputy Chief Brian J. Resler of the Criminal Division’s Computer Crimes and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) (Kupec, 2020). 3 References Kupec, K. (2020, February 27). Chinese National Sentenced for Stealing Trade Secrets Worth $1 Billion. The United States Department of Justice. Sun, M. (2020, February 27). Chinese National Sentenced to Prison in $1 Billion Trade Secret Theft Case. The Wall Street Journal.
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Cyber Crime at Anthem Healthcare Insurance




Cyber Crime at Anthem Healthcare Insurance
Courtesy of the increased usage of technological and digital equipment in the health care
sector, existing firms in the industry are exposed to cybercrime and security issues. Health
insurance companies in the country are vulnerable to numerous cybersecurity risks and threats.
In many instances, health insurance companies are vulnerable to cybercrime threats ranging from
hacking, phishing sites, malware, ransomware, and industrial espionage. Cybercrime activities
result in loss of necessary and sensitive information, proprietary rights, and trade secrets to
malicious rivals and third-parties. Although it is almost impossible to eliminate cybercrime and
security issues, contemporary health insurance companies should devise effective and viable
measures to arrest the issue.
This paper attempts to assess, examine, and investigate Anthem Health Insurance's
cyberattack in Indianapolis. The paper describes the company's background, identifying the
health insurance company's features, resources, and partners. Moreover, the company describes
and explains the nature of the cybersecurity breach in Anthem. The paper will also examine and
analyze the various analytical, validation, and acquisition tools when investigating cybercrime.
Furthermore, the company analyzes the impact of the cybersecurity breach to the health
insurance company. The paper also analyzes the company's response to the cyberattack and
comments on whether the attack was handled appropriately. A brief conclusion functions to
summarize the research paper.
Background Information
Anthem Health Insurance is a public insurance company that delves into rendering
insurance solutions to American citizens. The company operates in affordable health care plans



under common brands, Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Shield, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Georgia. The company offers both individual and family health coverage plans at budgetfriendly prices. However, the company offers coverage plans in selected states in the USA.
Anthem offers additional coverage options such as vision and dental insurance ("Insurance for
Individuals and Families in Indiana | Anthem", 2021). The company's website reveals that the
company also offers Medicaid plans for individuals above 65 years.
The Nature of Cyber Crime
A hacking attack against Anthem Health Insurance facility in Indianapolis led to the risk
of losing 80 million company records to an unknown and unauthorized entity (Abelson &
Goldstein, 2015). According to the New York Times article, the company was vulnerable to the
hacking activity because it had not installed extra protective measures such as encryption in its
computer systems. The cybercriminals behind the attack were suspected of using sophistic...

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