SOCY 100 UDC Module 7 Should We Raise the Minimum Wage in America Discussion

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Socy 100

University of the District of Columbia Country



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Discussion board #1 Should we raise the minimum wages to a living wages? Discussion board #2 Essential Workers in a Pandemic Discussion board # 3 The 1% Should we Raise the Minimum Wage? Collapse Should we raise the minimum mage to a living wage? There are significant disparities in income across the USA (and of course globally, but we’ll get to that after we cover social stratification in the USA). Please watch the following videos which visualize and discuss income inequality in the USA: What are your reactions to the videos? • What is the difference between the minimum wage and a living wage? • What do you think should be done about the minimum wage in relation to cost of living? Please explain your answer by developing your argument and provide a detailed response to this question. You can discuss Montgomery County specifically or use other examples across the country. • Make sure to bring in sociological theories and concepts from the core and supplemental required materials. For background information: the Fight for 15 campaign, among others, has been fighting to increase the minimum wage across the country Essential Workers in a Pandemic Sociologists theorize about the causes and justifications of inequalities in our societies. Functionalists, conflict theorists, and symbolic interactionists, take vastly different approaches to these issues. As we are increasingly seeing, the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has really emphasized the stark inequalities that exist in the United States. • Watch the two videos above and discuss at least two different forms of existing inequalities that have been amplified by the pandemic. • What new inequalities can you identify as emerging as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? • Which theoretical approach do you think is best suited to understand this situation and the treatment of essential workers pre and post COVID19? Explain your answer using sociological concepts and theories from the module materials. The 1% Collapse Watch the following videos about the wealthiest Americans. Discuss what you learned and/or your opinions using 2 key concepts (bold the concepts in your response) from this module.
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Discussion# 1
Should we raise the minimum wage?
The minimum wage is the amount of money recommended by the existing laws, whereas
the living wage is determined depending on the average costs of living among the citizens. The
living wage is not widely recognized because it is not legally endorsed in a particular country,
while the national minimum wage is determined by the incumbent business secretary annually.
After conducting an in-depth analysis of the wage inequality in New York City, I think the
government should skew fair and non-discriminatory laws to bridge the gap between the
minimum wage and the cost of living. The Latinos in New York City should be exposed to
proper and favourable conditions to prevent them from being victims of the covid-19 pandemic
(Politizane, 2012). It will enhance socialism theory in the city, whereby wealth will be
distributed equally between the rich, the mid...

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