Walden University Week 6 Tesla Inc Discussion

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Walden University


Discussion: Reflections and Social Change

Over the duration of this course you have developed a foundational understanding of ecology and have investigated many of the challenges facing the natural functioning of healthy ecosystems. In our final Discussion, reflect on your learning and consider the big ideas that you will take with you after you leave the course. Think about the challenges facing our species and others and consider some of the possibilities that can lead to a brighter future for life in the ecosphere.

With these thoughts in mind, complete the following:

Spark Response Post (20 points):

By Day 2

Post a two or more paragraph response to the Discussion Spark posted by your professor


Hi Everyone!

In our final week we will all get a sense of the environmental challenges and solutions that people found most compelling personally and socially.

So for the spark this week, we’ll build up to everyone’s Reflections and Social Change posts by sharing some research and thoughts on environmental challenges and avenues to positive socio-environmental change. Please post on one of the following subjects:

  • Corporations that are either helping or hindering social change necessary for environmental sustainability
  • Social, political, or economic challenges facing environmental movements

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.


Tesla Inc. analysis
Student’s name

Tesla Inc. analysis
Tesla, Inc. is an American automobile company specializing in electric cars' manufacture
to encourage clean energy and reduce air pollution in the world. Other products manufactured by
the company include solar panels and batteries, enhancing the compa...

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