FORMAT: As with all assignments for this class, submit your assignment to CANVAS.PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT WORK IN .PAGES FORMAT. THANKS. INSTEAD, SUBMIT IN WORD .DOC, .DOCX, or .PDF. Please submit all parts of this assignment as one document instead of three separate docs. Please make sure your name is at the top of every page of your paper. Double-space your paper and use 1 inch margins all around (it makes it easier to read).
The first thing I'm going to ask you to do in this media class is GIVE UP MEDIA so you can see how dependent you are on it. There is no way I'll ever know whether you actually did this or not. This is based upon your word and integrity. I would urge you to actually do this. It may be the only time you will ever be asked to do this. You are being rewarded to do it. Give it a try to truly see how much media you consume thoughtless and/or on purpose.
You must stop watching television/videos, stop listening to the radio/subscription music and stop gaming for one day (24 hours straight—you cannot divide up the day and do the hours separately.) This means: No online audio services like Amazon, Spotify, Pandora, etc. No DVDs played on your television. But also, no watching movies or television series online (Hulu, Netflix, etc.) No DVDs on your computer, either. NO AUDIO or TELEVISION/VIDEO CONTENT OF ANY KIND on any screen or smart device EXCEPT, OF COURSE, FOR ASSIGNED CONTENT FOR CLASSES OR MEDIA YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONSUME FOR WORK. You can still use your computer for email and work, but no entertainment video/audio/gaming. It is only for a day. Let everyone know you will text them tomorrow.
You will get extra credit if you can find someone to give it up consuming media with you.
Simply changing your routine viewing behavior will not have a lasting impact unless you take some time to reflect upon the meaning of it. This brings us to the second part of the assignment. CUT-AND-PASTE these questions into a document and submit your answers to CANVAS. You paper shouldn't be longer than two pages total (not counting the questions that take up a page themselves).
1. Was it easy or difficult for you to break away from radio/television/gaming/media? Why or why not?
2. Describe the media or radio-listening/television-viewing (addicted) culture in the U.S. How did it feel to be purposely “disconnected” from these the media-focused culture? Why is it that we refrain from over indulging but we rarely consider media consumption an over indulgence?
3. What did you learn about your consumption habits?
4. What did you do with the "empty" non-listening-watching-playing? Did you seek out interactions with other people or simply consume different digital content on your computer? Be sure and describe how not consuming media affected your other life habits (eating, socializing with family and friends, news gathering, etc.)
3. Describe your interaction with other people during this assignment. How did people treat you because you were actively removing yourself from the mainstream? What was it like to interact (or not interact) with people based upon viewing/consuming (as opposed to other reasons: race, gender, class, etc.) What did you learn about our mediated culture? Briefly describe the media-using culture and what it is like to attempt to avoid that culture or become a member of a non-consuming culture.
4. Will your consumption habits be altered by the experience? That is, did you (will you) go back to the old ways (“normal”) or will you become more reflective and selective (a loaded question, to be sure)?
Explanation & Answer
Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.
Fasting From Media
Institutional Affiliation
Fasting From Media
Question 1
My one day break away from media was a challenging one, and not a simple task to see
through. Though I had asked a friend to go to the one day media break with me, it was still
challenging and made me feel empty most of the time. It was a challenging one since it was not
like me, for a day I had to depend on second hand updates, different from the other days where I
get all the updates first hand.
Question 2
Listening radios and viewing Televisions has a great impact on the culture, because it
reflects cultural values. Viewing televi...