BPA 381 University of Phoenix Open Society Morality & Legislation Discussion

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bpa 381

University of Phoenix



Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper on the Open Society in America and the Conflict with Ethical beliefs. Your paper should explain the legal issues v. the moral and ethical issues of:

  • The Gay and Lesbian lifestyle.
  • Abortion
  • End of Life Assisted Suicide.
  • Freedom of Speech and Obscenity.
  • Pornography and Censorship.
  • The First Amendment and Religion.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Include at least two academic resources in your paper including one from the library.

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Open Society Morality and Legislation

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Open Society Morality and Legislation
The concept of an open society which has for a long time been promoted in the United
States provides for tolerance and inclusivity of all religious, social and political perspectives.
Nonetheless, the idea of an open society sometimes conflicts with moral and ethical ideas of
groups in both the left and right side of politics (Cochran et al., 2015). Issues such as the gay and
lesbian lifestyle, abortion, freedom of speech and obscenity, censorship and pornography, the
First Amendment, religion and euthanasia have stood out recently and led to more division
between people with different views. People are divided between embracing diversity and
standing for what is morally right as regards these issues.
The Gay and Lesbian Lifestyle
Legal Issues
The arguments surrounding this topic also included the issue of human rights. Every
citizen in the United States is allowed to live according to how they wish, as long as their actions
or lifestyle does not harm other citizens or does not go against the constitution (Cochran et al.,
2015). As such, gays and lesbians are free to have sexual relations with whomever they wish, as
long as it is within the law.
Moral and Ethical Issues
Majority of conservatives argue based on morals and their ethical beliefs, stating that God
created man and woman, thus the actions and expressions of gays and lesbians are not morally
correct. They also add that ethics dictate the integrity of human anatomy, which does not allow
people of the same gender to have sexual relations. Tolerance can only be achieved through
acceptance of divergent views and allowing individuals to express their sexuality as they wish.


Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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