SOCW 6211 Walden University Week 5 Mental Health Discussion

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SOCW 6211

Walden University



  1. Discuss the themes found in the Week 5 Handout: Content Analysis of Focus Groups. Based on this data, what is your analysis of the current barriers to services?
  2. Create two social work recommendations to address a current barrier and explain how the recommendation proposed addresses the findings.
  3. Discuss how you would collaborate with the research stakeholders (e.g. service providers and community members) to ensure that the data are interpreted accurately and that the practice recommendations made will be culturally appropriate.
  4. Critically reflect on your own culture and explain how your cultural values and beliefs may have influenced how you interpreted the focus group data. What specific cultural knowledge do you think you need to obtain to conduct culturally sensitive research with this group?

Support the assignment with references using assigned readings and/or additional scholarly literature.

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Mental Health
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Mental Health

1. Based on this data, what is your analysis of the current barriers to services?

Barriers to mental health services are categorized into patient-related barriers, service providerrelated, system-related barriers, professional barriers, and miscellaneous barriers.
Patients are reluctant to seek mental health services because of the fear of stigma, financial
difficulties, mistrust, using mental health services as the last resort after all other alternatives fail.
Many Asian mental health patients fear to go to seek health care because of fear of being known
by society as mental patients. Others do not have enough money to fund their psychiatric
services thus they end up avoiding the whole process. Lack of trust in psychiatry as a way to
address mental health issues has held many Asians behind. Asians tend to seek medical help
from qualified doctors after they have tried all sorts of traditional medicine. It is difficult to treat
someone who does not have faith in you, and that is how they do not get the right medical

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