Can you do a case study about two chapters of one e-book that I will send you the link?

User Generated


Health Medical



1. Read: Edelman, Kudzama. (2018). Health Promotion throughout the Life Span. (9th Ed.).Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-323-41673-3

Chapter 2: pages, 23-46 and Chapter 3: pages, 47 - 83

2. Do Case Study in:

APA Style (Format)

3 references minimun

No plagiarism

5 to 6 pages

Here is the link for : Edelman, Kudzama. (2018). Health Promotion throughout the Life Span. (9th Ed.).Elsevier ISBN:978-0-323-41673-3:


Please let me know if you can access to the link and how much that it coast for me

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