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Business Finance


11. Rachel is conducting telephone interviews for Chevrolet on perceptions of its new models. When she interviews Chevrolet customers, she asks the question, "How loyal are you to the Chevrolet brand?" But when she interviews Ford customers who have bought Chevrolets, she changes the question to, "So you aren't loyal to the Chevrolet brand, are you?" Which of the following sources of error in communication

research is present in this example?

A. Interviewer

B. Observer

C. Participant

D. Measurement question

12. Which of the following terms is used to describe combining several qualitative methods, or combining qualitative with quantitative methods?

A. Projection

B. Inter-rater reliability

C. Triangulation

D. Component sorts

13. When Katie Couric interviews guests on The Today Show, she tends to interrupt their answers. Which dimension of extralinguistic activity is reflected in her behavior?

A. Vocal

B. Temporal

C. Verbal stylistic

D. Interaction

14. What characteristic distinguishes the pretest-posttest control group design from the nonequivalent control group design?

A. One can't determine which group was exposed to the treatment in the nonequivalent control group design.

B. Random assignment is impossible in the nonequivalent control group.

C. No pretest is used in the nonequivalent control group design.

D. Membership in the experimental and control groups is naturally assembled in the pretest-posttest

control group design.

15. Which of the following is not a type of evidence used to test causal hypotheses?

A. Alternative causes

B. Disposition of variable B

C. Covariation between variables A and B

D. Time order of events

16. Which of the following is true of studies conducted under laboratory conditions?

A. They simulate environmental conditions.

B. They occur under actual environmental conditions.

C. They facilitate measurement of the variables of interest.

D. The dependent variable occurs naturally.

17. A _______ study summarizes data.

A. reporting

B. descriptive

C. causal-explanatory

D. causal-predictive

End of exam

18. Surveys are used in _______ research studies.

A. communication

B. behavioral observation

C. monitoring

D. observation

19. Jane is conducting interviews to develop a customer profile for her client. She customizes each interview to each participant and doesn't ask specific questions. What type of interview format is Jane using?

A. Semistructured

B. Closed-ended

C. Unstructured

D. Structured

20. Jason is developing a research design for a study of wine drinkers. The target population is widely dispersed. Jason needs

to collect data on past consumption behavior and intentions for future behavior. Which type of data collection method is most appropriate for Jason's project?

A. Experimental

B. Communication

C. Monitoring

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