San Diego State University Administrative Website Development Report

User Generated



San Diego State University


a web application Security Systems with the check out and intake of client and company vehicles. The goal is to streamline and digitize the current system, while minimizing discrepancies.

Each employee will have a separate login. This unique login will store the employee’s information that will not change, such as first name, last name, employee ID, driver’s license number, and expiration date (no sensitive information will be stored). With this information saved the application will utilize an autofill feature to prefill some of the redundant information.

Once the user has signed in the following page will display the welcome/ main menu for the applications. This has been set as its own page to allow for easy expansion in the future. A regular user will be given the option to check out a vehicle, check in a vehicle, and access reports. Currently reports include vehicle damage, incident, accident, and employee statement. All reports will be printable and when submitted and PDF version will automatically be sent to the manager. When a vehicle is checked in or out all information will be required. This include 4 pictures (front, drivers’ side, rear, passengers’ side) of the vehicle.

The manager / supervisor will have all for the available options as an employee with the addition of an option to search and generate reports containing the details of the vehicle records. Examples of some of this is a monthly report that contains the total mileage report of all vehicle, any incidents report for the vehicles, and the number of days a vehicle has been active or inactive. The manager will also be allowed to edit vehicle, and employee information. Since this application will be using a database, a GUI will be needed to edit vehicle information so that a manager will be able to edit the database.

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Explanation & Answer

Here's that, let me know if you have any questions with it
This is the more updated version that I have rn
This is the latest version, I will work on the feedback you provided and the other forms
I just tested it all and seems to be working perfectly over here
Here's my final version of the website, I added the check in and check out report generation complete with support for adding images to the pdf document, I'm currently reworking the paper to make sure it complies with the standards that you require
Sorry for the late answer, lots of things happened personally over the last couple of days, but I wanted to send you the paper as well so you can review it and tell me if you need any modifications as well.

Table of contents.

The current system in place to manage the information this paper’s project is designed to tackle is almost completely
handled by hand, this poses a couple of evident issues from an administrative standpoint, for one, the overall
accessibility to the information is highly restricted, since any person who wants to view or edit said material must
then go to the physical location where this is stored, and this doesn’t account for the potential copies of that
information distributed to other members of the organization, making the interface for interacting and accessing these
resources very ineffective; on the contrary, a digitalized system can provide immediate access to information and
any resource needed, plus, changing any sort of content will result in an automatic and instant update to anyone who
has permission to view the material.
On the other hand, the previously mentioned advantages could imply taking some risks on how the information is
managed, since digitalization almost certainly implies centralization, meaning that one person (or group of people)
may very well possess near absolute power over the system, which of course means that one poorly made decision
could cause a massive loss of information, however, that is why placing a security layer over the total control, as
close to full functionality as possible, yet with several safety measures, confirmation messages, and very explicit
data is more than recommended.
Thus we will explore the process of creating a web based application to digitalize the system whilst minimizing
potential errors on the administrative side which implies having more privileges than a regular user.

The purpose of this project is to provide a well functioning workflow to manage information that will be delivered
and manipulated by various administrators of the company.
Throughout this paper we will take a look at the software development cycle involved on this project, providing a
deep understanding of how the system works, why and how it was implemented the way it is, and of course we will
also go through the bugs we encountered along the way, and our thought process that led us to solve them.
The first step on the development cycle is of course analyzing the requirements for the project to continue onto the
core and structural design, to do this we need to consider all current priorities that would be affected and how they
should be handled, we are quite lucky in our case, since, the only concern that could arise from this process would
be the transfer of the old information to the new system, we will however make sure that this is remarkably simple
by designing our storage system to be able to assimilate analog data, such as a scan of an old document, whilst also
being able to create new and automated documents throu...

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