CIS 450 Aspen University Week 5 Training in eMAR Technology Discussion

User Generated


Health Medical

cis 450

Aspen University



Discussion Question:

Discuss what training programs are needed for the technology required for your final presentation topic. Consider what training to provide to new employees and what on-going training may be necessary.

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 200 words in length.

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Explanation & Answer

Hey partner! This is the post for the discussion thread 🙌

The eMAR technology has been gaining tremendous popularity in healthcare settings in the
recent years. The technology is useful in preventing errors in medicating patients, like
administering wrong drug, wrong dosage, or via the wrong route. However, successful
implementation of the eMAR technology requires prior training of nurses and other staff to
acquaint them thoroughly with the system. This will ensure safety of the patients and
minimize the risk of errors resulting from lack of knowledge.
Training the staff to use eMAR efficiently does not take place more than a few hours. The
initial step in the training process will be to familiarize each member of the staff with the
software. This will allow the staff to navigate the system properly without any confusion.
Next step will be to instruct them how they to login into the system securely and log out
afterwards to prevent their devices being used by unauthorized personnel. Next, the staff be
educated about how to enter details about the medication they administered to a patient. The
protocols to follow when a patient refuses to take a medication will also be explained. The
meaning of the various system alerts and notifications ...

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