write a scientific report or a persuasive essay about the topic below

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Your role Acting as a science researcher, you will carry out an electrochemical experiment then write a persuasive article suitable for publishing in a scientific journal Irrat's Pre-Task Carry out an experiment as instructed by your teacher to construct and operate a (0) Zinc / Copper cell (Daniel Cell) Lead sulphuric acid cell Construct labelled diagrams of each cell setup which shows the direction of electron/ion flow around the cell. A description of the cell operation which includes all relevant redox equations and ion/ electron ” equations. Calculate the expected voltage for the Zinc/ Copper cell and Analyse, compare and explain any differences between the actual voltages obtained for the ZniCu cell. Compare the Zn/Cu cell and the Pb/HSO. cell which identifies explains and contrasts the key features of each (this will be a source of information for your task) YOUR TASK "A rechargeable call is a better choice than a conventional electrochemical cell in most situations" Provide a critical evaluation of the above statement. Support your response with appropriate data gained from your own experiments (ie, drawing from information collected during the Pre-Task activity) and also from fully acknowledged secondary sources Explore the links which exist between both types of cell and the underlying redox chemistry during your justification Expected standard The task is designed to allow students to • Demonstrate chemical knowledge and understanding Use scientific and technical language where appropriate • Use chemical formulae and balanced chemical equations where appropriate Show the ability to gather information and data from a range of sources Interpret, analyse and evaluate information In text referencing with references in appendix Language focus It is important that the body of your report includes terms such as electrons, ions, cations, anions, oxidation, reduction, oxidising agent, reducing agent, electrochemical cell, ion bridge, electrolysis, cathode, anode, electrolyte
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