Los Angeles Pierce College Ecotourism Informative Speech

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Los Angeles Pierce College


Informative Speech

This 5-7 minute speech should give your audience knowledge that most of them do not have. The speech should make the subject clear to your audience. They should feel they have learned something significant and worthwhile. You job as a speaker is to act as an objective teacher. You are not to share an opinion or attempt to persuade the audeince in this speech.

In this assignment, you are expected to follow the basic principles of organization, establish eye contact with the audience, and maintain a clear central idea throughout. Particular emphasis should be placed on choosing a variety of supporting materials that will clarify your subject and hold the interest of this audience.

You are required to speak extemporaneously. Do not read your speech. You must practice and be able to look at the camera directly into your audience and give your complete speech in one full take without editing the video. In other words, Do Not use any type of editing software to interrupt the flow of the speech. The speech should feel natural as if you are having a conversation directly with us.

Topic Approvals: Please give me your topic choice via email. This is required so that everyone has a unique topic.

Speech Text: It is very important that you post your exact speech text with your video. If you record in YouTube and know how to include Closed Captioning, that would be awesome!

Main Points: You must have a minimum of 2 main points. 3 main points would be the maximum to attempt for this time frame.

Peer Responses: You are required to watch and respond to a minimum of 5 clasmates speeches. Please provide respectful, helpful and constrcutive tips for your classmates. Each peer response is worth 10 points (Total= 50 points) (Lab Assignment Points)

Speech Outline: You will be required to create a full sentence speech outline that you will upload separately to the Informative Speech Outline Assignment Portal.

You will need to conduct research on your topic. References used must be credible and current and should be cited in a works cited list or bibliography using MLA or APA style. Please attach your works cited page or bibliography to your final outline. You are required to choose either one of those styles but must stay consistent with one. Our library website has links to updated versions for these reference style citations. In addition, you are required to verbally cite your sources used in the speech. Ex: According to_______ “………”

Specific Research Requirements: You are required to obtain a minimum of 6 total references to create your speech. You are encouraged to obtain more if you wish. 3 of the sources must be gathered from online databases through Pierce College and the other 3 can be from non-online sources Ex: books, journals, periodicals, documentaries, interviews etc. You may search the web for online sources like credible government websites, or organizational websites Ex: fda.gov or madd.org. However, you may NOT use cites like Wikipedia, blogs, tweets, or unchecked cites that are not constantly fact checked or supervised through scholarly verification. Please don’t hesitate to inquire about a questionable website. However, if you wish to conduct all of your research through the databases that would be fine as well. Please use MLA or APA style to cite your sources in a separate works cited page at the end of your outline.

Visual Aids: A minimum of 3 visual aids are required for this speech. However, please note that your speech may require more than 3 visual aids to properly convey all of your information.

Remember, you are required to speak for a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 7 minutes. Please do not go over as you will receive a time deduction.

Lastly and most importantly, have fun with this assignment. Choose a topic that interests you and one that you beleive would interest your audience. Selecting a topic that you want to learn more about makes the assignment worthwhile and enjoyable! Topics choices can range from places, countries, historical monuments, historical events, animals, famous people, how to make something (process speech), culture, traditions, celebrations, history of dance style, a company etc. This list goes on. You can also run your topic idea by me to see if it would be appropriate for the assignment.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Speech outline
The second session of the Euro Eco18 on Ecotourism
The central idea is the impact of ecotourism in the community
I came for the first time to visit Georgia some two years ago as a tourist, but it has become a
pleasure and pretty usual to visit Georgia since that time.
✓ I have been visiting Georgia several times, thus observing the economic, social, and
environmental effects of the increasing economic tourism.
✓ Most remote parts of the country view tourism as the additional source of their income
but not necessarily as the single way of earning a living.
✓ Ecotourism encompasses both negative and positive effects. It represents many
challenges, especially towards making these particular destinations good places to visit,
live and advance the local community lives and economy.
✓ People get involved in ecotourism to see some of the marvels we have around us.
However, these marvels can be found in different forms, such as natural wonders,
historical monuments, and buildings.
We all understand the importance of gathering and disseminating transnational experiences and
learning from our en...

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