- Evaluate responses of communicable diseases in healthcare today.
- Debate current healthcare policy as it relates to nursing practice.
- Critique ethical issues in current nursing practice.
- Analyze cultural and social issues in the contemporary, professional nursing environment.
- Evaluate the use of information technology and patient data analyses in the current healthcare delivery system.
- Analyze current issues in healthcare.
As part of your professional development, you have set a goal to present at a national conference. The Innovations Contemporary Issues Conference is this year, and you have always enjoyed the wide range of topics. You have attended this event in the past, previously presented a poster, and find it very fitting to your areas of interest. Therefore, you have decided to submit a proposal to be a break-out speaker.
The presentation proposal requires you address the following:
- Identify one current communicable disease in healthcare today.
- Analyze how nursing practice is impacted by this disease.
- Presently, how does healthcare respond to this disease?
- Analyze cultural, social, or ethical issues that may exist for someone with communicable disease.
- Propose a policy statement that supports how we approach the selected communicable disease in nursing.
- Evaluate how information technology and data affects how nurses approach the selected communicable disease.
- For assistance on submitting a conference presentation proposal, please visit the Rasmussen College Answers page
Explanation & Answer
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Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.
Communicable Diseases in Healthcare
Communicable Diseases in Healthcare
Identification of a Current Communicable Disease in Healthcare Today
There are several communicable diseases in healthcare currently. These diseases affect
the provision of healthcare services to patients in different ways. In this case, communicable
diseases refer to infections that can directly or indirectly be transmitted from one individual to
another. The infection can be transmitted directly through getting into contact with an infected
individual or fluids such as blood, cough droplets, saliva, or mucus (Ferreira & Engstrom, 2017).
Besides, the infection can be transmitted indirectly by getting into contact with an infected
surface. Among various communicable diseases that are currently in healthcare, one of them
involves tuberculosis.
How Tuberculosis Affects Nursing Practice
Tuberculosis (TB) is mostly transmitted from one individual to the other through droplets
that one emits when coughing or speaking. When an uninfected individual inhales such droplets,
he or she is infected by the bacterium. The infection can infect anybody regardless of his or her
occupation, and therefore it is a threat in the nursing practice. TB has infected several nurses
during their nursing practice, where some of them have deteriorated in the health condition while
others have died from the infection. However, the nurses usually protect themselves from being
infected by wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as nose masks. Besides, the
nurses ensure that they wear other PPE such as gloves when attending to a patient with TB
(Ferreira & Engstrom, 2017). TB can affect nurses either negatively or ...