Life University Week 3 Literature and the Current World Reflection

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Life University


We study works of literature with an eye for how they continue to inform our society today. The study of literature makes us more savvy about current events and, as such, it puts us into a position to contribute substantively to the conversation of the day.

In 500 words or two pages, link an idea we have encountered thus far in this course with a current (or semi-current) event and make an argument for how the critical interrogation of this idea as we find it in the work of literature is invaluable to building a more robust and informed understanding of said event.

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Explanation & Answer

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Literature and the Current World
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Literature and the Current World
Literature course is such a lively one that I have enjoyed learning as a student because it
directly links its ideas to the real-life world. Thus far, we have covered many literature concepts
that have meaningful lessons even in our real-life situations. As a result, the course has equipped
me with essential skills for survival for my personal and professional growth. There are crucial
concepts in literature such as poetry, manuscripts, speech writing, and delivery that are key in
our daily living. Speech writing and delivery, for example, is a crucial concept in the literature
that is more practical in real life situations. In modern society, speech delivery and writing have
become part and parcel of our daily living. Speech delivery is currently the most effective way of
passing vital information across many people.
There a...

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