Merchandising company, Discussion Week 6 help

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Business Finance


Week 6 Discussion

  • Use the Internet to research the annual report of at least one (1) merchandising company. Determine which costing method (Last In First Out [LIFO], First In First Out [FIFO], or weighted average cost) that is used to record inventory by your selected company.
  • Identify the three (3) primary advantages and three (3) primary disadvantages of using the costing method (LIFO, FIFO, and weighted average) that is used to record inventory.
  • Provide support for your response.

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Explanation & Answer

Good Luck.

Merchandising Company- Inventory Costing Methods
The most common three methods of inventory costing, used by many companies are
“First in, First out” (FIFO), “Last In- First Out” (LIFO) and Weighted average method.
Under FIFO method, inventory is valued on the assumption that the first good which is
purchased by a company for resale will turn out to be the first good sold. Under LIFO
method, inventory is valued on the assumption that the last good which is purchased by a
company for resale will turn out to be the first good sold. Under weighted average c...

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