ENG 101 SUSCC The Widespread of Technology Health Concerns Research Paper

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Computer Science

Eng 101

Southern Union State Community College



This paper, which discusses repetitive strain injuries and hearing loss, follows the MLA documentation style. Each page contains a page number. The first two pages present the name and course information (student name, instructor name, course name, and paper due date), paper title, an introduction with a thesis statement, details that support the thesis, and a conclusion. This section of the paper also includes references to research sources and a footnote. The third page contains a detailed, alphabetical list of the sources referenced in the research paper. All pages include a header at the upper-right edge of the page.Just like the attached file.

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  2. 2Create the header, which will appear on each page of the research paper.
  3. 3Type the research paper text with citations.
  4. 4Create an alphabetical works cited page.
  5. 5Proofread and revise the research paper.
  6. Work with comments in the research paper

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Yazzie 3 Works Cited Clark, Addison Lee and Aisha Sati Nadeer. Repetitive Strain Injuries. Boston: Lighthouse Publishing, 2021. Print. alphabetical list of sources Sanchez, Jorge Mario. Technology and Your Hearing. n.d. Web. 1 Oct. 2021. Zhao, Shen Li. "Technology Aches and Pains." Monthly Medical Review July 2021: n. pag. Web 1 Oct. 2021 Yazzie 2 technology, users can lower the volume level on these devices. Lower volumes can help to minimize potential hearing loss (Sanchez). Physical conditions associated with using technology include tendonitis of the wrist, carpal tunnel syndrome, and hearing loss. Users should take as many preventative measures as possible to avoid these conditions. header contains last name followed by page number Yazzie 1 Nina Yazzie Mr. Slobovnik English 101 October 6, 2021 Health Concerns of Using Technology The widespread use of technology has led to some important user concerns. Two of the more common physical health concerns are repetitive strain injuries and hearing loss. These conditions are on the rise for users of technology. A repetitive strain injury (RSI) is an injury or disorder of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Technology-related RSIs include tendonitis of the wrist and carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms of tendonitis of the wrist include extreme pain that extends from the parenthetical reference forearm to the hand, along with tingling in the fingers. Symptoms of CTS include burning pain in the hand, along with numbness and tingling in the thumb and first two fingers (Zhao). Factors that can cause these disorders include prolonged typing or mouse usage and continual shifting between a mouse and keyboard. Taking frequent breaks and exercising the hands and arms can help reduce chances of developing these repetitive strain injuries (Clark and Nadeer). superscripted reference mark People often listen to sounds from their computers or mobile devices through headphones or earbuds. Headphones cover or are placed outside of the ear, whereas earbuds rest inside the ear canal. With these listening devices, only the individual wearing the device hears the sound. By using high-quality listening devices that provide a close fit and include noise-cancelling 1 According to Clark and Nadeer, tendonitis of the wrist and carpal tunnel syndrome can content note positioned as footnote lead to permanent physical damage if left untreated (65-66).
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Yazzie 1
Nina Yazzie
Mr. Slobovnik
English 101
October 6, 2021
Health Concern of Using Technology
The widespread use of technology has led to some important user concerns. Two of the
more common physical health concerns are repetitive strain injuries and hearing loss. These
conditions are on the rise for technology users.
A repetitive strain injury (RSI) is an injury or disorder of the muscle, nerves, tendons,
ligaments, and joints. Technology-related RSIs include tendonitis of the wrist and carpal tunnel
syndrome. Symptoms of tendonitis of the wrist include extreme pain that extends from the
forearm to the hand, along with tingling in the fingers. Symptoms of CTS include burning pain in
hand, along with numbness and tingling in the thumb and first two fingers (Zhao). Factors that
can cause these disorders include prolonged typing or ...

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