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Textbook (if needed) : Christopherson, R.W. 2013. Elemental Geosystems, 8th ed. Pearson. ISBN13: 9780321985019.

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Assignment 6 1-Evaluate the U.S. water budget, and identify critical aspects of present and future freshwater supplies. 2-Compare MD and CA in terms of main sources of water supply.    Identify the main sources of water supply for both MD and CA, respectively. Are there any desalination plants in MD or CA? What major dams are present in MD and CA, and what are their respective capacities? Main Source of Water Supply Maryland California Desalination Plant Dam Groundwater/Surface Water/Desalination Yes/No Yes/No Groundwater/Surface Water/Desalination Yes/No Yes/No Due date: Monday October 31st Chapter 6 Water Resources Elemental Geosystems Robert W. Christopherson Charles E. Thomsen Water Resources The Hydrologic Cycle Soil-Water-Budget Concept Groundwater Resources Our Water Supply The Hydrologic Cycle A Hydrologic Cycle Model Surface Water Hydrologic Cycle Model Figure 6.1 Soil-Water-Budget Concept The Soil-Water Balance Equation Precipitation (PRECIP) input Actual evapotranspiration (ACTET) Determining POTET Deficit Surplus Soil-moisture storage Drought Three Examples of Water Balances Water Budget and Water Resources The Soil-Water Balance Equation Figure 6.2 Surface Water Figure 6.2 Precipitation in North America Figure 6.4 Lysimeter Figure 6.5 Potential Evapotranspiration Figure 6.6 Types of Soil Moisture Figure 6.7 Soil-moisture Availability Figure 6.8 Figure 6. 9 Sample Water Budget Figure 6.10 Sample Water Budgets Figure 6.11 Annual River Runoff Figure 6.12 Hurricane Camille and Water Budgets Figure FS 6.1.2 Groundwater Resources Groundwater Profile and Movement Groundwater Utilization Pollution of Groundwater Resource Groundwater Potential Figure 6.13 Groundwater Characteristics Figure 6.14 Groundwater Characteristics Figure 6.14 Groundwater and Streamflow Figure 6.16 High Plains Aquifer Figure FS 6.2.1 Our Water Supply Water Supply in the United States Instream, Nonconsumptive, and Consumptive Uses Desalination Future Considerations U.S. Water Budget Figure 6.17 Water Withdrawal by Sector Figure 6.18 Global Water Scarcity Figure 6.20 End of Chapter 6 Elemental Geosystems Robert W. Christopherson Charles E. Thomsen
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Physical Geography
Question one
The US water budget offers some predevelopment conditions that incorporate the long
termed equilibrium systems. Besides, it has severe aspects of the present a...

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