Campbellsville University Planning and Managerial Application Discussion

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Campbellsville University


Discussion 2: Planning and Managerial Application

After studying Chapters 5 and 6 materials including the narrated lectures, complete the following activities:

A. Using the Internet, review at least 3 articles on Profit-Cost-Volume relationship. Summary the articles in your own words.

B. As a manager, why is Profit-cost-volume important in planning? Support your response with numerical example(s)

C. Using the Internet, review at least 3 articles on Variable Costing. Summary (300 words or more) the articles in your own words.

D. As a manager, discuss how you would use Variable Costing in managerial decisions Support your response with numerical example(s)

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Planning and Managerial Application
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Articles on Profit-Cost-Volume Relationship
Dabor et al.'s (2013)'s article "Cost-volume profit model: A discuss.” is one of the articles on
the Profit-cost-volume relationship. The article provides a good understanding of the revenue
and cost behavior and how its essential during decision-making processes. It does this by helping
the reader understand the relationship that exists between the profits, revenues, and costs of a
project. The article describes Profit-cost-volume analysis as a tool that primarily focuses on the
interrelationships of the quantity sold, the cost, the prices, and merges all the company's
information. The article also carries out detailed research on the CVP analysis and tries to shed
light on applying hermeneutics strategy that focuses on text explanation and interpretation with it
focusing on expressing its meaning to other people. The article concludes that since the profitcost-volume model fills in as a crucial tool in making short-term decisions, and its
implementation depends on various deterring assumptions. Therefore, decision-makers ought to
take into account performing a sensitivity analysis to establish how and whether the assumptions
will impact the decisions.
Lulaj & Isen (2018) article, “Role of analysis CVP (cost-volume-profit) as an important
indicator for planning and making decisions in the business environment," is another article
giving a comprehensive discussion on the Profit-Cost Volume Relationship. In this article, a
combination of the econometric models has been used to perform research in service and
manufacturing enterprises to be precise and have a positive impact. The data used for analysis is
acknowledged through the use of the Mann-Whitney U test, Bootstrap, Munzel test, structured
questionnaires, and the percent confidence interval, with independent and dependent variables,
and so forth. The research results indicate that the product generated positively affects the value
of sales to the service firms and increases the profit to a manufacturing business surrounding.
The results also showed that there exists a crucial relationship between sales and production, and
the CVP contributes to break-even and growth profitability in a bus...

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