Southern New Hampshire Week 4 Literature is about Human Condition Discussion

User Generated



Southern New Hampshire University


Choose only one from the options below to answer. Your answer/post should

--start by naming the prompt you are responding to.

Choose only one from the options below to answer. Your answer/post should

--start by naming the prompt you are responding to.

--be 175-250 words.

--answer what is asked and not drift away.

--be academic: answer with details, from the readings, other sources, or your experiences where applicable.

--list the sources of your information so you are not charged with plagiarism.

--be in proper sentences, correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization--in other words, in good writing.

--not be about you for no good reason.

--be in two paragraphs if 6 sentences or more.

Option 1

A writer's intent means what we think the writer meant to convey and to whom. What do you think is Langston Hughes' intent in "Salvation"? That means explain who should learn something from the essay and what some things are that Hughes may want those people to learn.

Option 2

Literature is about the human condition. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" covers many aspects of the human condition. He is addressing eight clergymen in his Letter. What did those eight clergymen do that made King write to them? What aspect/s of the human condition would you put those eight clergymen in and why? From his Letter, what aspect/s of the human condition would you put King in and why?

Option 3

Bias is something a writer can bring (consciously or not) to her or his work. Gretel Erhlich, however, in "About Men," claims society is biased against the cowboy. Write to Erhlich: You can say she is right and explain why or you can say she is wrong and explain why. Be specific and refer to the essay and to your own experience for proof.

Option 4

A reader’s own background can help her/him to understand what a nonfiction piece is saying. For example, many past students identify with the young Langston Hughes being pressured in the revival. What is an essay we are reading this week that you identify with? What should you be careful about when drawing parallels between the essay and your experience? Please explain.

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Explanation & Answer

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Option# 2 Literature is about Human Condition




Literature is about Human Condition
Literature is indeed about the human condition. Essentially, literature tries to comment on
or look...

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