OCC Books A Great Companion and Satisfaction to Most of My Interests Reflection

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Business Finance

Oakland Community College


Object and Me Speech

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The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to introduce yourself to the class and share a little about who you think you are and how you got that way.

Time Limit:

  • 3-5 minutes. Please adhere to time limits.

Steps to Follow:

You should read chapter 2 in your textbook and watch the lecture video on Self-Concept before starting this project.

Find one or two objects that represent you and your self-concept. This could be a stuffed animal, home decoration, memorabilia, collector’s item, rock, shell, book, music file/CD, musical instrument, clothing, jewelry, etc.

  1. Be prepared to show a digital photo of the object, or the actual object in your presentation.
  2. Using your object(s), create a presentation in the following format:
    • Introduction that gets people’s attention with a statement, question, quote, etc.; provides your name and identifies the object or objects you will be discussing
    • An explanation of how the object represents or relates to your self-concept (personality traits, beliefs, goals, moods/feelings, intellectual abilities, talents, appearance, roles, etc.) – if you’re stuck on what to include, review the elements of self-concept in chapter 2.
      • You should give some examples or use some stories that illustrate the points you are trying to make.
      • For example, if I chose the script book I used in Forensics competitions in college to represent my experience as a speaker, my confidence (or sometimes lack of confidence), my role as a teacher, my ability to pick myself up after failure, and my belief in the power of words to shape the experience of those around me, I would include a story or two from my competitive experience that illustrate those points.
    • A conclusion that wraps up the presentation by referring to what you used to get people’s attention in the beginning
  3. Be prepared to present your speech to the class. Make sure you are following the Requirements for Remotely Delivered Presentations.

Grading Criteria:

  • Followed proscribed format for the presentation as indicated above; including thoughtful analysis of self-concept in relation to chosen object- 20 pts
  • Kept to time limits – 5 pts
  • Followed Requirements for Remotely Delivered Presentations and delivered speech effectively in Zoom. - 5 pts

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.


Communications Question

Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Date of Submission

Communications Question
Books have always been a great companion and satisfaction to most of my interests for
many years now. I started exploring different books before I was five, and at the time, I was
reading simply to satisfy my curiosity. However, it soon became something more than that for I
was hungrier for content, mysteries, and the thrills and chills that most books provide. My name
is …………… and it is nice to meet you all. My love for books goes deep, and they have led to
my friends and family identifying me as an introvert, something I am confident and content with.
Today I will talk about a book I read a long time ago that helped ignite my love books. The book
is titled “Oedipus Rex” and was authored by Sophocles sometime in 430 BC and was first
performed in 429 BC.
“Oedipus Rex” is an Athenian tragedy exploring the story of Oedipus, a child born in
royalty and foreseen to be his father’s doom and h...

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