University of Alberta What Is the Future of Work Essay

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University of Alberta


For this assignment, you need to write an essay on the future of work (1,200 to 1,300 words). The purpose of this essay is to think about what, in your view, is wrong with work today and how it could possibly be changed for the better. Make sure every paragraph, with the exception of the introduction and the conclusion, has at least one citation. It is a visionary essay. It’s starting point is the empirical reality of today’s world, it’s end point is what it could be. To connect the two, you have to identify the ills of today’s world, means to cure them and be aware of the conditions under which change could be brought about. Envisioning a different world of work is not some kind of airy-fairy exercise or escape from reality, it is about laying out possible roadmaps that careful consider the landscape that needs to be navigated to reach the goal of a better world of work.

Aspects that you might address are the following:

  • Inequality and insecurity
  • Organization of work and the question of “post-industrialism”
  • Globalization of work

The essay should answer the following questions:

  1. What is wrong with work today?
  2. How should work be distributed and organized in the future?
  3. Which are the means to realize your vision of work?
  4. Who is applying those means and who might try to stop their application?

Requirements: 1250 words

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Running head: THE FUTURE OF WORK

The Future of Work
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The Future of Work
The onset of new technologies, evolving demographic dynamics, and the effects of
Covid-19 have transformed how businesses undertake their activities and the skills required to
thrive in the information age. More than 50% of companies are expected to adopt automation to
reduce full-time workforces and upgrade individual abilities. The changing nature of the labor
market has cast doubt on the future of various professions (World Economic Forum, 2021).
According to Randhawa (2019), the future of work is defined by the rapid adoption of artificial
intelligence in the labor force and expansion of skills to incorporate on-and off-balance sheet
skills. The concept of the future of work is defined by income inequalities, post-industrialization
industrial relations, job creation, and employment quality. In order to understand the evolution of
work, it is essential to look at the influence of postindustrial society, millennial syndrome and the
role of Generation Z, and measures that can change the burnout nature of work.
The changing dynamic of work was attributed to the postindustrial society by Daniel
Bell. The new societal restructuring and organization marked the shift from an industrial-based
economy to a service-tailored economy. In his book, Daniel Bell stated that few companies
would engage in direct manufacturing, which would decrease white-collar jobs and appreciate
technical opportunities (Robinson, 2021). Organizations would also emphasize the need to
integrate theoretical knowledge that would be important in understanding the new inventions'
ethical implications. In addition changing social values such as geographical proximity defined
the work environment. The introduction of the internet and telecommunication made the world a
smaller economic zone. Hence, the manufacturing chain introduced outsourcing services that
benefitted the service economy and industrial cou...

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