ECON 157 UCI How Can an Increase in Human Capital Lead to An Increase in GDP Ques

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econ 157

University of California Irvine



Total 11 question, I will provide teacher's standard answer, you need to write in your own words, no copy. I also will provide a 93/100 student hw answer. So this will make sure u can provide a perfect answer.

Homework I

  • In defining development to include more than just the growth of per capita income, there is an implicit assumption that the growth of per capita income alone is not sufficient to guarantee the reduction of poverty and the growth of self-esteem. Is it possible that there could be growth of per capita income without the achievement of these other objectives?
  • Make a case that development economics might be merely a combination of all the other subfields of economics, only applied to low-income countries.
  • Explain how low levels of living can turn into a vicious cycle in developing countries.
  • Explain why purchasing power parity measures of income levels tend to show a smaller difference between poor and rich countries.
  • If countries are first ranked by level of real GDP per capita, and then by the value of the Human Development Index, would you expect the ranking of countries to be similar or different? Explain.
  • What are the main differences between the linear stages and international dependency models
    of development?
  • Describe one important criticism of Rostow’s stages of economic growth theory.
  • Why have poor nations invested so much money in education and health? Evaluate the soundness of these reasons.
  • Explain some of the reasons why developing countries have not realized a greater positive development impact from their higher education programs.
  • Is child labor a problem in developing countries? Explain.
  • How can an increase in human capital lead to an increase in GDP? Why might it not lead to an increase in GDP?

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Explanation & Answer

Hey Buddy, Check the attached response. In case you need any edits, kindly contact me.

Economics Development


Economics development
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1.In defining development to include more than just the growth of per capita income, there is
an implicit assumption that the growth of per capita income alone is not sufficient to
guarantee the reduction of poverty and the growth of self-esteem. Is it possible that there
could be growth of per capita income without the achievement of these other objectives?

Yes, per capita growth does not necessarily imply development. There can be
growth without development since growth implies an increase in per capita income alone.
Development entails more than just growth in per capita income, it involves the elimination
or reduction of poverty and growth of self-esteem among others. Growth of per capita
income alone however may not achieve these objectives. This is because a country may be
producing more output just to keep up with a growing population or send to overseas
markets. The benefits of this may go to a specific portion of the population like the rich or
the middle class while majority of people do not benefit at all and this implies that there
shall be no reduction of poverty since the income is not equally distributed and this means
that the poor remains poor. For poverty to be eliminated, an increase in per capita income
should be accompanied by reduction inequalities in income distribution. Increase in per
capita income may not necessarily raise the standards of living of people and therefore their
esteem may not match the per capita income. This is because it may be that any increase in
per capita income is followed by an increase in savings or the government may use the

Economics Development


increased income for other purposes. Reduction of poverty may also not be achieved if the
rate of increase in income is not higher than the rate of population growth. Good policies
and investments in good education system is required to reduce poverty and grow people’s
esteem. Development is a multidimensional process involving institutional changes, social
and economic changes and attitude changes. Attitude changes involves changes in people’s
attitudes towards work. For example, in a society where some jobs are viewed as for men.

2.Make a case that development economics might be merely a combination of all the other
subfields of economics, only applied to low-income countries.

Development economics involves a multidimensi...

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