MKTG 420 Columbia Southern University Rally Sports Event Presentation

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Business Finance

MKTG 420

Columbia Southern University



There have been numerous trends, patterns, and advancements made to the sports marketing industry since its inception. Using what you have learned from the textbook about sports marketing (i.e., the history of sports, the sports marketing mix, and the sports marketing process), create a PowerPoint presentation containing a proposal of a sports product, service, or event with which you are familiar or a sports product, service, or event concept that you have created yourself.

Think of this as an actual proposal that you will eventually (hypothetically) present to a sports marketing team.

Keep in mind that this assignment is just an initial proposal of your thoughts and ideas as if you are pitching an idea to a stakeholder.

You will continue to add other components to this proposal in future unit assignments, and you will be given an opportunity to review, revise, and implement feedback received prior to submitting your cumulative PowerPoint presentation in Unit VIII.

For this assignment, you will need to include the items listed below.

  • Include a title slide (one slide).
  • Introduce the sports product (one slide).
  • Address your initial ideas utilizing the sports marketing mix.
    • List your product strategies (one slide).
    • List your distribution strategies (one slide).
    • List your pricing strategies (one slide).
    • List your promotion strategies (one slide).
  • Discuss your initial ideas of the strategic sports marketing process.
    • Explain your planning ideas (one slide).
    • Explain your implementation ideas (one slide).
    • Explain how globalization impacts your proposal (one slide).
  • Discuss control (one slide).
  • List internal contingencies (one slide).
  • List external contingencies (one slide).
  • Include a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis (one slide).
  • Include a references slide (one slide).

Your presentation must be at least 14 slides in length, not counting the title slide and references slide. Make sure any and all sources used are listed on the references slide at the end of your presentation. Be creative, yet professional, with your presentation. You may include images and graphics when applicable. Select an appropriate font, style, and color.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Rally Sports Event

Rally Sports Event

•Motorsport event organized to take
place across private and public roads
•Drivers and teams race from stage-tostage
•Event targets to take place in rural and
desert areas of the US

Rally Sports Event
Product Strategies

•Rally – actual event, promise
consumers on the best performance by
participating teams
•Meet people with similar lifestyle
preferences – social groups and belief

Rally Sports Event
Distribution Strategies

•Focus on experience, image and brand
(Dugali, 2014)
•Experience – atmosphere, goodwill,

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