Financial accounting for management , business and finance homework help

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Business Finance


Hybrid Assessment - Search and report on associations:

a. List at least five associations that would be useful for Accounting along with the URL or other location of information you found about them.

b. Pick a favorite.

c. Describe the association and what is unique about them (Do not copy and paste the About Us section).

d. Describe how this organization is a resource for Accounting.

Submit a 2 page paper, following APA standards.

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Explanation & Answer

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Financial Accounting for Management.

Financial Accounting for Management.

Institutional affiliation:



Financial Accounting for Management.

List of the Associations that would be useful for Accounting.

American Accounting Association (AAA)

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Association of Chartered Accountants in the U.S.

The Professional Accounting Society of America (PASA)
American Woman’s Society of CPA’s.

Association of Accounting Administration.

Association of Accountant marketing

Associated Accounting Firms International

Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)

Association of Government Accountants

International Federation of Accountants

National Society of Accountants

International Association of Practicing Accountants (IAPA)

Association of International Accountants


Financial Accounting for Management.


URL with information on the list of Associations useful for accounting.

Among all the above accounting a...

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