FIU Visual Thinking Strategies and Whole Brain Teaching Study Discussion

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Florida International University

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Description Respond to the following questions and label responses 1 and 2. Cite multiple pieces of evidence from the videos in order to receive full credit. 1. What is something you liked about the instruction you viewed in these videos (provide specific examples from the videos you viewed in this module). Describe how you could incorporate it into your social studies instruction in your own classroom. 2. What is something you think could be improved about the instruction you see in these videos (provide specific examples from the videos you viewed in this module). Describe how you could improve the social studies instruction for your own classroom.
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Social Studies Questions Based on Videos
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Response 1
There are lots of things that I love about these instructions, however, they can all be
related to what a Montessori teaching approach would be. The instructions basically give the
children the role of the leader in their learning, with the teaching being there as the supervisor
only to provide directions. In the Whole Brain Teaching, the teacher asks the question, for

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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