CIS 450 Aspen Wk 7 Informatics for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Discussion

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Health Medical

cis 450



What impact has policy had on informatics? Describe the current impact and provide recommendations for future public policy informatics initiatives that would improve patient outcomes and healthcare equality.

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Explanation & Answer

Here is the discussion post for week 7 🙌

The healthcare sector has become largely dependent on informatics technologies due to the
efficiency they contribute to the system’s workflow. Therefore, regulation of healthcare
informatics by public health policies holds great significance in regard to providing improved
care to the patient and observing improved patient outcomes. According to Hebda et al.
(2019), the responsibility of implementing effective policy rests with the government.
Government policies have ensured that healthcare informatics serves as a tool for providing
safer and nearly errorless patient care by incorporating efficient means of data collection and
retrieval that help reduce the risk of human error. This is done by the implementation of
policies that focus on the accountability of staff in case of errors via a system of regulated
information. Another important impact of policies in healthcare is the preservation of patient
data and privacy. Responsibility for the protection of patient data falls under the HIPAA act
(Bell, 2018). The HIPAA act holds organizations accountable in situations of privacy breach
or instances where the patients’ data is used without their consent for malicious purposes.
Healthcare organiz...

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