Delta State University Stanford Prison Experiment Analysis

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Delta State University


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9:21 u LTE Done Edit C Spire 9:15 AM Oy 36% AA = X Assignment i Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the research methods and ethical violations in the Stanford prison experiment in which you: Identify one or two ethical issues that occurred in this experiment. Explain the APA ethics guidelines that may have been violated. Summarize what you would have done differently. • Determine the research method that was used and justify your choice. Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines located on the APA. Templates page in the Center for Writing Excellence. Submit your assignment. Past due. This attempt will be submitted later ? Save and Close Submit Late ch More 9:21 t LTE Done Edit C Spire 9:15 AM 010 36% AA = X Assignment i The Stanford Prison Experiment is one of the most well-known psychological experiments in history. The results of the experiment were shocking. In this assignment, you will focus more on the type of research method used and the ethical violations that occurred. Read "Stanford Prison Experiment" from the University Library Watch "Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment" from the University Library. Search the internet for additional information you may need about the research method used in the Stanford prison experiment. Past due. This attempt will be submitted latę? Save and Close Submit Late ☺ n More
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Analysis of the Stanford Prison Experiment

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Analysis of the Stanford Prison Experiment
The research method used.
Stanford prison experiment is a research done to determine the impact of being
assigned to a correctional officer or a prisoner on individuals. The researcher used the
experiment as the research method in actualizing the purpose of the study.
In the experiment, the researchers used the conditions that the individuals assigned as
either prisoners or prison guards as the independent variable ("Stanford Prison Experiment",
2021). On the hand, the resulting behaviour observed upon subjecting the individuals to the
various conditions were used as the dependent variables. The conditions as were being
subjected were recorded, and the ...

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