UArizona Global Calculate the Limit of Detection Electrical Engineering Questions

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UArizona Global Campus


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2. (15 pts) Figure A represents a single analytical response (H) for 0.030 mg ml mercuric ion (Hg2+). The peak-to-peak noise (h) is estimated from the baseline below. a. Calculate the signal-to-noise ratio of the response below at the 99% confidence level b. Calculate the limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) for the mercuric ion in units of mg mL-1 using this analytical technique. c. Using the ensemble averaging approach, how many responses would need to be acquired to obtain the signal-to-noise ratio shown in Figure B. A H h " B word open that they had henting In 4. (20 pts) A reputable manufacturer of packed chromatographic columns gave a research group two HPLC columns to use, and this research group generated the two chromatograms on the following page - one chromatogram for each column. The packing in each column is exactly the same (i.e. same article size, same stationary phase, same inner diameter, same plate height, etc.). The only difference is their length: The column used to generate the upper chromatogram is 100 mm long. Use a ruler or similar measurement device to calculate the following: a. The The average number of theoretical plates and plate height (based on peaks 1, 2, and 3) for both columns. b. The plate height (assume H is the same for both columns) and the length of the column (in mm) that generated the lower chromatogram. c. The resolution of the critical pair for each chromatogram. Calculate the length of the column (mm) that generated the lower chromatogram based on the difference in resolution between the two columns. Please defend your answer. 1 2 3 لاہم I 1 2 0 2 4 5 m 3 4 2. 7 min 0 6
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