Florida International University Drug Legalization or Liberalization Essay

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Florida International University


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Weigh the case for and against drug legalization and conclude with your opinion concerning this issue. This paper will be a balanced paper discussing both sides of the issue, for and against, in which you end with your conclusion. The paper is to be written in dialog form with a short introductory paragraph. TEXT FONT SIZE14. Can you MLA or APA. The paper should read like a play script with character names in bold. For example,

Linda: Drugs should be legalized because criminalization frightens users causing them to avoid seeking help.

Martin: I think drugs should not be legalized because they are very harmful to those addicted to them.

So, you will do the following in the paper,

  1. A short Introductory Paragraph (not in dialog format) that must contain,
    1. Thesis Statement: A one-sentence explanation of your opinion concerning the subject-- which can include, in brief, the main reason why you think this way.
    2. A brief explanation of what you will do in your paper.
  2. Discussion of the subject in Dialogue Form:
    1. Two people having a debate about the subject, one on your side (protagonist) and the other on the opponent’s side (antagonist).
    2. You end up with your guy (the protagonist) winning the debate.
    3. Your conclusion/opinion (Can be very simple like in the example document)
  3. Reference page
    1. Four references minimum
    2. Two for each side of the argument

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Eating Liver is Seriously Morally Wrong. By Alduin, Dragon Prince of Tamriel Many people consider eating livers to be disgusting. So, this leads us to the question of whether it is moral or immoral to eat livers. I think that it is extremely morally wrong to eat livers. In the following dialogue, Vulgrim and Alduin have a heated argument about the moral status of eating livers. Vulgrim is all for eating livers and Alduin is very much against eating livers. Alduin: Eating livers is forbidden by traditional dragon culture, and we consider anyone who does so to be gastronomically perverted. Remember that Dibella said “liver is what the poor heathens eat.” (Book of Nirn, The First One 489) Vulgrim: Are you saying that it is morally wrong for anyone to eat livers? Alduin: Female dragons often develop the desire to eat livers and other strange things when they are pregnant, so there is an exception for them sometimes, but no one else should eat livers. Vulgrim: So, your women are gastronomically perverted? Alduin: You are somewhat smart for a lesser being. Molag Bal says “the lesser beings make good sport.” (Molag Bal 1236) Vulgrim: But how is it possible for dragon females “sometimes” to be morally ok when they eat livers? Alduin: Female dragons are not male dragons. Dragons have a patriarchal society, and females have always eaten livers since the unknowable deep past. Vulgrim: Is it fortunate or unfortunate to be born a female dragon? Alduin: Being born a great male dragon is better than anything else! We are gods. You should worship us and voluntarily pay us extra tributes on top all the taxes we impose on you. Vulgrim: I am not a dragon, so how can this taboo apply to me? Alduin: The very idea of other beings eating livers in Tamriel damages the delicate feelings of dragon kind. Note that Kynareth considered that eating liver is always unclean. (Book of Nirn, The First One 289) Vulgrim: Why should our nation make laws to protect the delicate feelings of dragon kind? Alduin: Because mighty dragons founded this great nation of Tamriel, which is the inheritance and property of dragon kind. Dragons are the strongest, most intelligent, and sexiest of all the inhabitants of this nation. Sheogorath holds that dragons only have true virtue and so are rewarded with most of the wealth. (Sheogorath 11) You really do need to learn your place in the natural order of things. Vulgrim: I think that thinly sliced liver briefly sautéed in butter, with lemon juice squeezed on top is quite delicious. Parsley is, of course, optional. Liver is also one of the most nourishing parts of an animal you can eat. Alduin: Liver either has a hideous squishy texture, or an unappetizing rubbery texture. Liver is organ meat for Akatosh’s sake! Liver has a sickening mineral flavor. Vulgrim: Chopped liver sandwiches are mega delish! Alduin: I will throw up if you continue. Vulgrim: Savory sweet goose liver pate is a maximum mushroom cloud explosion umami experience! Alduin: If you do not stop your offensive babbling and agree with me now, I will burn up your filthy, tattered dress, and send you back to the sleazy void you came from. Vulgrim: Thank you for your holy utterances. You are so mighty and wise, Alduin. You have changed my mind. Now, I agree that eating liver is seriously morally wrong. Now, I will only eat livers when no one can see me. Works Cited: The First One, Book of Nirn, Putas, Dibella, Whiterun, Everyone Press, Year 1. The First One, Book of Nirn, Kynareth, Yoto, Whiterun, Everyone Press, Year 1. Cherim's Heart, Sheogorath, Lasta, Cherim's Heart, Nchuleft, The Nchuleft Press, 5020. Second Seed, Meana, Molag Bal, College of Winterhold, Wizards Press 5001.
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Drug Legalization

Drug legalization or liberalization involves decriminalization, which is to no longer
criminally penalize users of certain drugs, whether selling or consuming or illegalizing the use
and sale of drugs. Legalization is removing penalties and making the substances taxable by the
tax authority and controlled by the local government. So, should drugs be legalized? The drug
can be defined as an illegal substance used to derive or gain pleasure. These drugs include
cocaine, heroin, marijuana, among others. On the other hand, it is a substance used to cure,
prevent and contain illnesses used as medicine. We get that drug has two sides from the
definitions, used properly as medicine and negative things like opium. However, the number of
drug abuse cases and misuse increased over the years.
For the past year, the topic on legalization of drugs was very heartened According to
National Institute on Drug Abuse found that in the year 2013, about 24.6 Americans of age 12 or
older, estimated to be about nine to four percent of the population, had used at least one of the
illicit drugs. Is legalization a gamble we should try? Since from my perspective, the pros and
cons of drug legalization are very persuasive. If drugs are legalized, the demand for such drugs
will increase. When the penalties are done away with, and the price of such substances is
reduced, the demand will drastically increase. Therefore, if drugs are legalized, the situation will
be better and made worse since people will use the easily and readily available ones. Therefore,
this pap...

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