PJM 6610 SDSU Business Analysis and Intrigues of Needs Assessment Paper

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PJM 6610

San Diego State University



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Week 3: Foundations of Business Analysis –Business Analysis – Business Case Overview and Rationale In order to demonstrate proficiency with the content in this course we will complete a number of different assignments to validate your learning – and allow you to implement relevant practices a real-world setting. Week 3 Learning Objectives • • • • Use tools and processes to create current and future state assessments Identify solution options and propose a recommendation Create a business case to justify moving the project forward or not Develop the project charter from the business case to link the project to business strategy Essential Components For this assignment: 1.) Considering the work that is done in the Needs Assessment, how does this integrate into/support the business case work? For this project, based on the needs assessment your team is creating, what work is remaining to do to complete the business case? 2.) Part of the business case is to identify benefits. How would you, as the business analyst, use the results of the needs assessment to develop the benefits list? 3.) Identify 2 benefits for this project – what guidelines can be put in place to know if the benefit has been achieved? Assignment Rubric Category Above Standard Meets Standards Approaching Standards Below Standards Not Evident Assignment requirements (70%) Goes well above the requirements of the assignment. Provides new information, tools, and/or techniques Goes above the minimum requirements of the assignment Meets minimum assignment requirements Meets some assignment requirements Does not meet the requirements of the assignment. Critical Thinking (15%) Professional insights into depth and breadth of assignment - goes WELL beyond assignment requirements to explore risks and/or relevant new techniques. Comprehensive explanation of the issue; exploration of expert viewpoints and use of evidence to inform interpretation and analysis; thorough evaluation of the context (historical, ethical, cultural, environmental or circumstantial settings), and self and others’ assumptions and perspectives when stating a position; well- Includes an explanation of the issue; exploration of expert viewpoints and use of evidence to inform interpretation and analysis; includes an evaluation of the context (historical, ethical, cultural, environmental or circumstantial settings), and self and others’ assumptions and perspectives when stating a position; Includes a general explanation of the issue but is vague or is not clearly linked to the identified risks; includes some exploration of expert viewpoints and use of evidence to inform interpretation and analysis; includes a general evaluation of the context (historical, ethical, cultural, environmental or circumstantial Does not explain the issue; does not explore expert viewpoints or use evidence to inform interpretation and analysis; does not provide an evaluation of the context (historical, ethical, cultural, environmental or circumstantial settings), and self and others’ assumptions and perspectives when stating a position; conclusions are not informed conclusions based on methodically prioritized evidence and perspectives. conclusions are based on methodically prioritized evidence and perspectives. settings), and self and others’ assumptions and perspectives when stating a position, but lack specificity; conclusions are based on prioritized evidence and perspectives. based on prioritized evidence and perspectives. Communication (10%) (includes grammar and clarity) Goes well beyond assignment requirements to communicate information in a precise, insightful and professional manner. Assignment is well organized, and the format can be followed. It is evident to reader what is contained in each section of the report. High quality grammar. No misspellings. Assignment is organized, and the format can be followed. It is evident to reader what is contained in each section of the report. High quality grammar. No misspellings. Assignment is well organized, and the format can be followed. It is evident to reader what is contained in each section of the report. Good quality grammar. Minor misspellings. Assignment is not organized. It is not evident to reader what is contained in each section of report. Low quality grammar, misspellings. Formatting (5%) Virtually no errors in formatting, citations, or references. Rare errors in formatting, citations, or references. Some errors in formatting, citations, or references. Multiple errors in formatting, citations, or references. Does not submit assignment materials in APA 6 format. NOTE: Gross failure to provide PROPER citations and references – particularly with regard to direct quotes – will result in sanctions as outlined in the academic honesty policy
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Business Analysis and the Intrigues of Needs Assessment

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In project development and implementation phase, needs assessment is the first stage.
Also known as the “environmental scan”, it opens the entire landscape of change and resource
mobilization. Towards the climax of the assessment process, the position of technology becomes
apparent. Business analysis and the needs of assessment are highly related and together they
offer an outstanding domain of change and planning towards a strong business profitability
cause. Is technology indispensable in the whole sphere of needs assessment? This question
remains a serious debate across all project development and implementation procedures. In this
paper, the main goal is offer a glimpse outlook of a complete business case and the intrigues of
needs assessment.
Needs Assessment and how it supports the Business Case
A business case emerges from the outcomes and informational arguments that are
attained during a business needs assessment exercise. In a nutshell, a business need is the
impetus for a new dimension or change in an organization based on an emerging, unexploited
opportunity or an existing problem. The initiation of any project is structured and supported by
the integrals of a business case. A business needs assessment is presumably a pre-project
undertaking that should be handled and completed before the formal approval of the project and
the relevant resource allocation. Fundamentally, it is a gap study exercise that puts the current
organizational output to a desired projection of organizational performance and illuminating the
problems that require immediate...

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