Follow Project step 1 guidelines select video where speaker speaks yielding 200 words. Mark start time, and end time. If possible, use whatever insights gained from Homeworks
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Running Head: English Transcription
English Transcription
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
English Transcription
1. The speech excerpt was obtained from a thorough research from YouTube on a topic such
as Japanese English which included listening of different episodes and speeches. Therefore
this excerpt is part of the 2nd All Japanese student English presentation contest posted on
august 14th 2015 by Kanda Gaigo.
2. The speaker is a Japanese student who is presenting to show off the acquired skills in
English as a learned language throughout their institutional curriculum. The speaker elicits
a quite impressive manner in the mastering of the English syntactical structure through
sentence construction. However, the learner is greatly impacted by the Japanese accent
which leads to assimilation of certain English words to nearest Japanese sound system
which is the ...