BUS 302 Strayer University Leadership Strategies for Human Resource Calm App PPT

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Business Finance

BUS 302

Strayer University



Create a 12 (title/reference slides included) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

1.Provide the company's mission statement. The company is Calm App.

2.Explain why the HRM function is important to employee management and labor relations.

3.Explain 3–6 leadership strategies that HR will use for conflict management, communication improvement, employee motivation, and behavior improvement. Provide a rationale for your choices.

4.Discuss how you plan to measure the effectiveness of each leadership strategy.

5.References/Resources (3 must be included)

6.Include speaker's notes, as if you were actually presenting in front of your new HR employees. At least 100 words in each speaker note.

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Leadership Strategies for HR Assignment 2 Type Your Name Here BUS 302 - Management Concepts Week 6 Assignment 2 - Instructions & Changes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Company’s Mission Statement (Question 1) Explain why the HRM function is important to employee management and labor relations (Question 2) Explain 3–6 (4 only-change) leadership strategies that HR will use for conflict management (#1), communication improvement (#2), employee motivation (#3), and employee behavior improvement (#4). Provide a rationale for your choices. (Question 3) Discuss how you plan to measure the effectiveness of each leadership strategy. (Question 4) References/Resources (3 must be included) No Audio Recording. At least 100 words in each speaker note You must have 12 to 15 slides in your presentation (title/reference slides included). Delete this entire slide after you have read the instructions. To delete, select the slide on the left and press the delete button on your computer. Presentation Agenda _ Dr. D’s Example • PetVets’ Mission Statement • Explanation HR Function Importance to Employee Management and Labor Relations • Conflict Management – Leadership Strategy #1 • Communication Improvement – Leadership Strategy #2 • Employee Motivation – Leadership Strategy #3 • Employee Behavior Improvement – Leadership Strategy #4 • Measure Effectiveness Plan Your Company’s Mission Statement • Hint:Type the mission statement of the company on this slide. Hint: A company’s mission statement will have the word mission in it. It may say “Our mission is to… . – Delete this my instructions/hints when you are done. Strayer’s Mission Statement Example: Explanation HR Function Importance to Employee Management and Labor Relations • Hint: On this slide you will come up with some key terms, phrases and short sentences that will explain why the HR function is important to employee management and labor relations. • Note: You will explain the strategy in full details in the speaker notes below. Speaker notes must be at least 100 words • Delete my notes/hints from this slide when you ready to type in your information and submit your work. Leadership Strategy #1 Conflict Management • Hint: On this slide you will come up with some key terms, phrases and short sentences that give a strategy (plan) that HR can use manage conflicts in the workplace. • Note: You will explain the strategy in full details in the speaker notes below. Speaker notes must be at least 100 words • Delete my notes/hints from this slide when you ready to type in your information and submit your work. Leadership Strategy #2 Communication Improvement • Hint: On this slide you will come up with some key terms, phrases and short sentences that gives a solid strategy (plan) that HR can use improve communication in the workplace. • Note: You will explain the strategy in full details in the speaker notes below. Speaker notes must be at least 100 words • Delete my notes/hints from this slide when you ready to type in your information and submit your work. Leadership Strategy #3 Employee Motivation • Hint: On this slide you will come up with some key terms, phrases and short sentences that gives a solid strategy (plan) that HR can use improve employee motivation in the workplace. • Note: You will explain the strategy in full details in the speaker notes below. Speaker notes must be at least 100 words • Delete my notes/hints from this slide when you ready to type in your information and submit your work. Leadership Strategy #4 Employee Behavior • Hint: On this slide you will come up with some key terms, phrases and short sentences that gives a solid strategy (plan) that HR can use improve employee behavior in the workplace. • Note: You will explain the strategy in full details in the speaker notes below. Speaker notes must be at least 100 words • Delete my notes/hints from this slide when you ready to type in your information and submit your work. Measure Effectiveness Plans Leadership Strategy #1 – Conflict Management Hint: On this slide, you can come up with some key terms, phrases and short sentences that gives a solid plan on how you will measure the effectiveness of the conflict management leadership strategy you created for the company Note: You will explain what HR will use to measure and how HR will measure the effectiveness of this leadership strategy in full details in the speaker notes section below. Speaker notes must be at least 100 words. Please – Delete my notes/hints from this slide when you ready to write in your information and submit your work Measure Effectiveness Plans Leadership Strategies #2 – Communication Improvement Hint: On this slide, you can come up with some key terms, phrases and short sentences that gives a solid plan on how you will measure the effectiveness of the communication improvement leadership strategy you created for the company Note: You will explain what HR will use to measure and how HR will measure the effectiveness of this leadership strategy in full details in the speaker notes section below. Speaker notes must be at least 100 words. Please – Delete my notes/hints from this slide when you ready to write in your information and submit your work Measure Effectiveness Plans Leadership Strategies #3 – Employee Motivation Hint: On this slide, you can come up with some key terms, phrases and short sentences that gives a solid plan on how you will measure the effectiveness of the employee motivation leadership strategy you created for the company Note: You will explain what HR will use to measure and how HR will measure the effectiveness of this leadership strategy in full details in the speaker notes section below. Speaker notes must be at least 100 words. Please – Delete my notes/hints from this slide when you ready to write in your information and submit your work. Measure Effectiveness Plans Leadership Strategies #4 – Employee Behavior Improvement Hint: On this slide, you can come up with some key terms, phrases and short sentences that gives a solid plan on how you will measure the effectiveness of the employee behavior leadership strategy you created for the company Note: You will explain what HR will use to measure and how HR will measure the effectiveness of this leadership strategy in full details in the speaker notes section below. Speaker notes must be at least 100 words. Please – Delete my notes/hints from this slide when you ready to write in your information and submit your work References/Resources • Hint: On this slide, you need at least 3 solid references. You can slide them on this slide. Please check out the Strayer Writing Standards to get help with finding and citing sources at https://library.strayer.edu/sws • No speakers notes on the reference slide, just cite your sources on the slide. • Delete my instructions and hints from this slide when you ready to write in your information and submit your work.
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Explanation & Answer

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Student’s name

BUS 302 - Management Concepts
Professor’s name


Mission statement of Calm App
 The

mission of the company is to make the world
happier and healthier


Development of physical and digital products
that encourage mental well-being of client.


Deals with mental health issues

Explanation HR Function Importance to
Employee Management and Labor Relations
 Helping

in strategic management

 Determination of


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