Cedar Crest College Holistic Nursing Care Personal Reflection Assessment Paper

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Cedar Crest College



Students will complete a self-assessment of their knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding holistic nursing care concepts, including their beliefs and biases related to diversity and culture. This self-assessment will assist students in understanding their current level of competency and provide a pathway for reflection and growth.


The instructor will facilitate a comprehensive self-assessment process through materials and/or links provided in Canvas; this will be done during the first class session. After completing the self-assessment, students will document their results in a brief reflective essay, guided by the instructions below.
NOTE: as this activity sets the stage for further learning throughout the course, it is important that it be completed and submitted as scheduled. If students anticipate being absent from the first course meeting they should contact the instructor for guidance. Submissions will not be accepted beyond the due date without prior approval of the instructor.


(1) Complete the self-assessment questionnaire/activity provided by the course instructor.
NOTE: this is done in class during week one - a questionnaire is linked to the first course module!

(2) Write a brief reflective essay about your results, addressing the following:

  • Describe/summarize your results from each category on the questionnaire.
  • Which results surprised or challenged you?
  • What strengths and/or weaknesses did you identify, in regard to your knowledge of holistic care?
  • What beliefs and biases did you identify, that have the potential to influence your nursing care?
  • Identify three goals for personal learning and growth that you hope to achieve during this course.

(3) Format your paper using basic APA guidelines (no cover page is needed for this assignment):

  • Use 12-point, Times New Roman font
  • Double-space throughout
  • Apply 1” margins on all sides
  • Use a title line before your first paragraph
  • Indent each new paragraph by ½”
  • Place page numbers in the upper right corner

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1 Holistic Care Self-Assessment Category 1: Thoughts and Beliefs on Holistic Care Principles Question/Statement The primary role of the nurse is to help patients care for their physical health. Cultural sensitivity is an important consideration with every patient encounter. Empathy and caring are necessary components of a healing nurse-patient relationship. To be an ‘instrument of healing,’ a nurse should integrate mind-body-spirit awareness into their personal as well as their professional lives. A patient’s preferences should not influence the way in which the nurse carries out a doctor’s orders. Nursing care achieves its highest form when it stems from the desire to do good, not just to abide by laws or follow orders. Strongly Agree Partly Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Partly Disagree Strongly Disagree Why did you rate yourself the way you did? I partly agree that the primary duty for nurses is to provide physical support, but patient need more than that. I will provide care for patients who have diverse cultural backgrounds, so I will keep that in mind. I strongly agree, because empathy and care help establish trust and good relationship between nurse and patient. I strongly agree because having awareness of the mind, body, and spirit is important for understanding patient's needs. I partly agree because patients' preferences should be taking in consideration to provide better understanding of the patient needs. Following the regulations and laws is necessary to provide the best care for the patient, but for the nurse to be loving his work, this leads to better results. 2 A patient can have many health challenges, but still achieve a state of wellness. Holistic nursing requires paying attention to the environment in which healing is taking place. The use of alternative medicines should be discouraged for patients that are hospitalized. Health assessment should routinely include cultural and spiritual assessments, not just physical exams. Category 2: Confidence in Ability to Care for Diverse Populations Question/Statement I am confident in my ability to care for patients whose racial and ethnic backgrounds are different from my own. I am confident in my ability to care for patients who practice a different religion than I do. I am confident in my ability to care for patients from the LGBTQ* community. *LGBTQ = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer I am confident in my ability to care for patients that are from countries other than my own country of origin. Strongly Agree Partly Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Partly Disagree Strongly Disagree Because we can provide different approaches of treatment that can be used. I strongly agree because holistic healing involves nurturing the whole body, physically, mentally, and emotionally in addition of focus on just the environment. I Partly Disagree because the alternative medicines or therapy can help the patient better than some meds. I strongly agree because it provide more understanding of the patients. Why did you rate yourself the way you did? I Strongly Agree. My job as a nurse is to provide the best care of my patients regarding their believes or backgrounds. I believe that people have the freedom to worship in any religion. Every one have the right to receive the care they need no matter what their believes or their sex. No matter where they are from my job is to provide care for them. 3 I am confident in my ability to care for patients that are in a different lifespan/age bracket than my own. I am confident in my ability to care for patients diagnosed with mental illnesses or substance abuse disorders. I am confident in my ability to care for patients with a disability, or a hearing or visual impairment. I am confident in my ability to tune in to my own beliefs and biases, to prevent them from affecting my nursing care. Because people from all ages have thr right to access quality health care. Because helping these patients physically and emotionally can increase their lifespan. I am willing to help everyone who need my help as a nurse, but I should have the experience and the proper training to help them. I Strongly Agree because what matter for me is to provide the best care and I can control my self to do so.
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Explanation & Answer

Hello. I am through with the paper, I passed it through grammarly to ensure that grammar is perfect and also turnitin for plagiarism. The paper is good now. However, you can contact me in case you want anything more. pleasure working with you. goodbye



Personal Reflection Assessment
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Personal Reflection Assessment
Holistic nursing care involves the enhancement of a patient's physical, mental and...

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