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Here I have given the overview of the topic and also a brief background information about it.
Also I have given side A reasons with main claims and side B claims with main reasons.
Students should take a year off after high school before enrolling into college
This is my side A and here I have discussed the argument in detains giving two citations
Students should not take a year off after high school before enrolling into college
This is my side B and here I have discussed the argument in detains giving two citations
He I have replied to the question asked above and then summarized my points.
Bozick, Robert, and Stefanie DeLuca. "Better late than never? Delayed enrollment in the high
school to college transition." Social Forces 84.1 (2005): 531-554.
Hemelt, Steven W., Matthew A. Lenard, and Colleen G. Paeplow. "Building bridges to life after
high school: Contemporary career academies and student outcomes." Economics of
Education Review 68 (2019): 161-178.
Pratt, Timothy. "The open access dilemma: how can community colleges better serve
underprepared students?." Education Next 17.4 (2017): 34-42.
Wagner, Mary M., and Jose Blackorby. "Transition from high school to work or college: How
special education students fare." The Future of Children (1996): 103-120.
Rogerian Argument 1
Students Should Take a Year Off After High School Before Enrolling into College
Name of The Professor
Rogerian Argument 2
Should Students Take a Year Off After High School Before Enrolling into College
Deciding ...