University of South Florida Artificial Intelligence and PVC Paper

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Business Finance

University of South Florida


i have already done with the scratch but need to work on it .

Review the examples you have provided in Assignment 2 - Analytic application, business question, and business value for your chosen industry / company

Identify one business question that can be improved using classification, one that can be by Association, one that can be by Clustering.

For these three cases, explain what data will be needed, how you would approach selecting the algorithm, how you will drive implementation, and monitor the solution on an on-going basis

this is the question that needs to be worked on it ..

my supply chain (2) is already attatched but need to re work according to pvc plastic industry.

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Running head: SUPPLY CHAIN Supply Chain Student’s Name Institution Affiliation SUPPLY CHAIN 2 Supply Chain Business organizations are continually looking for ways of enhancing their performance and profitability. In the quest to improve their performance and profitability, the analytic application is adopted to enhance the understanding of crucial business components such as the market, customers, and sales. Business questions are then generated for the analytic application to enhance the business position's understanding of crucial business components. However, there is always room for improving the business questions using classification, association, and clustering. The business question that can be improved using classification is "what kind of customers should the company target?" Classification improves the question by advancing the understanding of different customer groups, making the question easier to answer. During the targeted customers' classification, the targeted customers' expenditure patterns are needed to help the organization understand its preferences (Sitorus et al., 2019). The selection of the algorithm will be based on the number of customers considered for the analytic application. I will drive the classification of prospective customers by organizing a study project that involves the collection and analysis of data. Monitoring the solution on an ongoing basis can be done by regularly assessing the study project's progress at different stages, ensuring that the process is done effectively and accurately. Another question that can be improved by association is "what can the company do to increase its market size?" The question can be enhanced by association by working together with other companies to improve the market size. Associating with other companies and business entities can enable the business organization to increase the market size served by learning from other companies and collaborating with other companies to address it collectively. The data that will be needed to answer the question is demographic data, which will enable the organization to make appropriate decisions on how to increase the market size served. The approach for selecting SUPPLY CHAIN 3 the algorithm will largely depend on the characteristics of the targeted populations. In this regard, the population characteristics of interest will be of more interest. Therefore, the approach for selecting the algorithm will be one that ensures that the population characteristics of interest are adequately assessed. Additionally, the question that can be improved by clustering is, "what kind of customers should the company target?" Clustering can help improve this particular question by putting customers with the same characteristics under the same group for easy understanding. Also, clustering the customers enables easy analysis of different customer characteristics, making it easier to understand the customers' aspects that the company should target, allowing the organization to satisfy the targeted customers' needs and specifications effectively. The type of data that enables the organization to find answers to this particular question is data regarding the customers' preferences and needs. Data on the customers' needs and preferences will allow the organization to understand how to gear their products towards ensuring that the customers are given the best of what they need in adequate quantities and at the desired time. The ideal approach for selecting the algorithm for working with the data to address the question is K-means clustering, which is a simple and effective way to ensure that the data collected are accurately analyzed to give information that inspires success in reaching the prospective customers. The programs' implementation to assess the kind of customers that should be targeted can be implemented by different grouping customers in clusters depending on their characteristics and evaluating their needs and preferences through relevant studies (Liu, Jiang, & Zhao, 2019). Monitoring the solution on an ongoing basis can be achieved through appropriate statistical analyses to assess the impacts of the initiatives made to identify the customers to be targeted. SUPPLY CHAIN 4 References Liu, Y., Jiang, C., & Zhao, H. (2019). Assessing product competitive advantages from the perspective of customers by mining user-generated content on social media. Decision Support Systems, 123, 113079. Sitorus, F., Cilliers, J. J., & Brito-Parada, P. R. (2019). An integrated constrained fuzzy stochastic analytic hierarchy process method with application to the choice problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 138, 112822. Minimum 3 Analytic Applications and minimum 3 business question per analytic application Apparently, organizations and businesses operate in a highly competitive and dynamic business environment. As a result, they are constantly challenged to adapt to the world at a fast speed to prosper and maintain their competitive advantage. Over the years, organizations and businesses have turned to leading technology solutions such as Artificial intelligence and business analytics to maintain their competitive advantage and enhance their processes. Bhoomi Poly Plast Pvt. is increasingly using the analytic application to ensure improved performance. Therefore, one example of an analytic application for my chosen company is its customers' analysis. The business questions for this analytic application include "what kind of customers should the company target? What can the company do to increase its customer base? Who are the company's most loyal customers, and what can the company do to retain them? Another example of an analytic application for this company is the analysis of the company's market. Some of the business questions for this analytic application include "who the company's key competitors are? What can the company do to increase its market size? What factors determine the company's continued growth and success in the market? The third analytic application for my company is to optimize the company's sales. The business questions for this analytic application include, "what can the company do to improve its sales? What kind of products should it offer to ensure improvement in its sales performance? What products are not performing well in the market? Regarding the business value for Plastic Production Company, the company should devise a strategy that ensures improved customer experience and retention. Based on the second analytic application, its business value should continually address its target customers' needs to stay ahead of its key competitors. Examples of where AI can transform Plastic Industry. There are several areas and ways through which Artificial Intelligence can transform Plastic Pipe Production company. Some of the areas include the development of products, operations of services, and management of risks.
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Running Head: SUPPLY CHAIN


Supply Chain
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Artificial intelligence becomes imperative for PVC, especially if the company maintains a
competitive edge as artificial intelligence technologies proliferate. Classification is vital in
determining churn records if customer retention is the ultimate goal (Devriendt et al., 2021).
Classification can be brought on board to address the question, “Who are the company’s most loyal
customers, and what can the company do to retain them?” In this case, more data is added to come
up with precise models rather than relying on assumptions and weak correlations. The data
required here are PVC monthly sales recorded, household/population, purchase dates, and
customer feedback. This data is grouped into pre -categorized datasets called sub-populations.
Sub-populations are applied as training data for prediction where the probability that the data
sequence will fall into one of the predetermined categories is assessed. This pattern recognition
makes it possible to predict the number of times a customer purchases an item. These churn records
can thus be used to reward such loyal customers, thus bettering customer relationship management.
The selection of this algorithm would call for the accuracy and precision of the data parameters to
ensure that the best outcome is achieved. Actual implementation calls for efficient statistical teams
to understand the data variables and produce the desired results using classification techniques.
Monitoring the solution can be done by regularly assessing a drafted set of objectives that align
with the performance metrics.
Sales reside as one of the fundamental attributes towards the success of the PVC plastic
industry. However, to record more sales, the sector must penetrate and secure the market.
Therefore, through association, it is easy to assess the recognition of various types of plastics in
the market and recall the related information. Thus through this strategy, the question "What can
the company do to increase its market size?” “What factors determine the company's continued
growth and success in the market?” can be improved by matching all necessary elements from



production to the marketing of the PVC plastics. The data required to improve this question will
be the sales recorded per day, the demand for PVC ...

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