University of Illinois at Chicago Aspects of Leadership Discussion

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Health Medical

University of Illinois at Chicago


This Unit examines the different aspects of leadership.

Review the two articles at the links below (as well as other relate articles you might find). Post: Based on your analysis of the articles and your text reading, come up with the top three non-negotiable traits that YOU believe are most important to the success of a leader in a healthcare organization. In addition, list three least-favorable traits of a leader that can create toxic culture and potentially lead to the downfall of the company/organization.

Follow-up Posts: reply to your fellow students and provide an example of an influential American business leader today and let us know why you selected this leader as a model for healthcare leadership.

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Health and Medical Discussion Post
Some of the most important leadership traits within a leader include responsibility,
transparency, and honesty. Without these three aspects, a leader will not be able to build trust
with their followers, making it difficult for them to be effective. Having responsibility is one of
the most important, in my opinion, because it provides a sense of confidence to a leader’s
followers as they know they can count on their leader to follow through with tasks, stay
organized, and be accountable for their actions. Secondly, transparency is also important because
if a leader is closed off and secretiv...

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