Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd University Psychology of Infant Monkeys Discussion

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Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd University


Hi I have a psychology writing question about Harlow's Rhesus Monkey Experiments by using the provided link the lecturer asked the essay to written as follows: 1-Brief. 2- Keywords. 3- Must Write using the 2 methods (Participants & Materials and procedure). 4- Results. 5- Discussion. 6- Reference. (Main reference for the Experiments)

(Suggested Articles ,pls refer to them as a second refrence)

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Psychology of rhesus infant monkeys
Paragraph one: abstract on the detailed research study concerning the methods, results, and
Paragraph two: introduction focuses on the definition of keywords, state the main research
question, and the question's important.
Paragraph three: method, including participants, materials, and procedures
Paragraph four: results include the answer to the question on research
Paragraph five: entails discussions such as my personal view about the study.


First name and last name:
Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd University

Author Note
Your First and Last Name ID
This research was developed as part of a class assignment. I have no known conflict of
interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Your First and Last Name,
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, P.O. Box 1664, Al Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. Email:


The research is mainly focused on learning the psychology of rhesus infant monkeys
when detached from their mother. The study is to determine the comparison between infant
monkeys reared under social isolation and the ones living with their mothers. The research
includes observing behavioral changes and the infant monkeys' attachment theory related to
human beings with their environment. The experiment participants include infant monkeys,
Harlow and his students, Bowlby and Robertson, among others. From the study, we used infant
monkeys, cage or social isolation facility, surrogated mothers, and Wisconsin General Test
Apparatus (WGTA). The procedure for collecting data entails observing the character change...

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