Must write by yourself. Must following the all requirements. Use some excellent sources of key macroeconomic data in list.
Give me the brief(1-2 pages) description in next 8 hours first.
And then for the rough draft in 6 days.
the final report submit in 10 days. A outline about the research paper to help me to make ppt.
About 18~22 pages include reference and tables. In 1.5 spaced.
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Globalization and Employment in Manufacturing Sector
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Surname 1
Project Outline
Thesis Statement: The rise of globalization has played a pivotal role in the manufacturing
industry in the recent years, by improving the overall performance in terms of production
through diversified skills offered by individuals from various background internationally.
The disquisition will be divided into five chapters that will entail the following area;
Chapter one: Introduction
The comparison of globalization and the influence on the manufacturing sector, for
example, improved workforce diversity, provision of labor as well as intensifying the
ability of the manufacturing sector employing skilled and expert in the various field of
production. Nonetheless, the chapter will introduce the specific objectives, the research
questions, and the hypothetical statements for the project.
Chapter two: Literature Review
Subsequently, the research paper will include a comprehensive literature review that will
describe the project topic, evaluate the influence of globalization, as well as make a
clarification on the literature of the research project.
Chapter three: Methods and Data Analysis
Moreover, the report will include information analysis supporting the evidence of
globalization and the manufacturing industry in term of provision of adequate labor
among other factors. The section will entail collecting secondary quantitative market data
that will be manipulated using mathematical formula descriptively. Besides, the analysis
will be conducted in Excel and some statistical tests run in the desire of rejecting the null
Chapter four: Results and Discussions
Noteworthy, the chapter will entail the presentation of the analyzed information in
form of charts and tables. Besides, the chapter will involve a comprehensive discussion
of the analysis results and findings.
Chapter Five: Recommendations and conclusion
In addition, the discourse will provide the various recommendation based on the analytical
findings as well as theoretical expectations from the research. Similarly, the chapter will
provide a brief summary of the discourse.
Surname 2
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
Over the past few years, there has been an increased phenomenon of rising globalization,
which has resulted in the diversification of people globally. Noteworthy, the aspect of
globalization has greatly been influenced by advancing technology that has eased the mode of
interaction among governments, companies as well as people internationally fostered by
investments and trade. In general, the aspect of globalization entails the free trade that opens
both domestic and international markets for individual and enterprises to carry out business
without hindrances posed by legal environment in a specific country. Moreover, globalization
has contributed to diversity in the labor market lead by increased immigration of people from
one country to another. Therefore, the rise of globalization has played a pivotal role in the
manufacturing industry in the recent years, by improving the overall performance in terms of
production through diversified skills offered by individuals from various background
Noteworthy, globalization has played a critical role in the manufacturing industry in
various aspects. For example, as a result of the globalization, there has been an improved labor
market in term of availability of skilled, non-skilled as well as professional in the labor market
worldwide. Besides, the labor is relatively cheap given the increased number of experts in
various industries resulting in increased supply of labor force through globalization and a
decreased demand for the labor in the market. Manufacturing is a primary element in the modern
economy because the sector contributes greatly to the gross domestic product (GDP) of a country
as well as the play a vital role in ensuring the availability of the consumers good. The presence
of adequate labor in various fields contributes to a positive impact on the manufacturing industry
because the labor plays a pivotal role in heightening the enterprise's overall production as well as
enhanced profitability.
1.1 Problem Statement
The effects of free trade and in particular globalization has become the center of debate to
many researchers and scholars. While the effect of globalization is been felt by many sectors, the
manufacturing sector has experienced the greatest impact due to global competition and
technological changes which have led to the demand for more qualified individuals. This, in turn,
Surname 3
has resulted in a decline in demand of low-skilled worker; hence, causing job displacement and
elimination. Moreover, global offshoring or outsourcing of services has become common in the
manufacturing sector. Outsourcing of services has broadened job loss to highly skilled
employees who possess technology expertise. As a result, fewer people are performing tasks that
could have been carried out by a larger number of people. Besides, the United States has engaged
in global trading with countries like China in which imports of products from this countries has
led to job reduction in the contracting country (United States). Likewise, job impact in the
United States has not only been limited to global trading with countries like China but it has been
attributed to the fact that there has been job competition from developing countries. This has
reduced the bargaining power and wages in the United States manufacturing sector in particular
individuals who lack the 21st engineering skills. Apparently, globaliza...