Santa Monica College Algebra Integrals and Simplification Question

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Santa Monica College


here’s the quiz!
It’s making me type more but there’s nothing more to say lol

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Math 28, Winter 2021 Name: Quiz 6 Instructions: There are 2 problems. Read each problem carefully. Label answers appropriately. Show all your work. Submit your work under Assignments, ”Quiz 5 Submission” on Canvas. [10] 1) (Section 6.4) Using a table of integrals, evaluate each of the following. State the formula used for your solution. Z 7 x dx a) 0 (3 + x)(1 + x) Z b) ex dx (4 + ex )2 (2 + ex ) 1 [10] 2) (Review) Answer each of the following. x2 − 3x + 2 x→2 x2 − 4 a) Evaluate lim b) Find dy if ey = x2 + y 2 . dx c) Find f 00 (x) for f (x) = x3 e2x . Simplify and factor. d) Find f 0 (x) if f (x) = x2x . Z e) Evaluate 1 xe2x dx. Exact answers only; simplify. 0 2
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Math 28, Winter 2021


Quiz 6
Instructions: There are 2 problems. Read each...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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