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Oakland University


In your organization, discuss the role of predictive analytics.  How does it help?  What are some of the issues and challenges faced in your organization? Would people in your organization be hesitant to make decisions based on predictive analytics? If so, why? (Banking and finance is the organization

part II

Predicting Behavior with Logistic Regression

Customer churn occurs when customers stop doing business with a company.  Retaining existing customers is less expensive than it is to acquire new customers and hence, building a good predictive model for customer churn is of importance to many companies.  Download the dataset Telco.customer.csv.  Through this dataset, we attempt to predict behavior to retain customers using logistic regression.

Follow the steps below and create a PowerPoint presentation. 

Using R, partition the dataset into training and testing sets by using the code:
(YOURDATA is the name of your dataset in R.)

intrain- createDataPartition(YOURDATA$Churn,p=0.7,list=FALSE)
training- YOURDATA[intrain,]
testing- YOURDATA[-intrain,]

Fit a logistic regression model by using the code:

glm(Churn ~ .,family=binomial(link="logit"),data=training)

Examine the resulting fitted model. What are the significant factors that affect customer churn? Explain how and why they are significant.

Now, let's examine how the model fits using the following code.

testing$Churn - as.character(testing$Churn)
testing$Churn[testing$Churn=="No"] - "0"
testing$Churn[testing$Churn=="Yes"] - "1"
fitted.results - predict(LogModel,newdata=testing,type='response')
fitted.results - ifelse(fitted.results 0.5,1,0)
misClasificError - mean(fitted.results != testing$Churn)
print(paste('Logistic Regression Accuracy',1-misClasificError))

This provides the accuracy of the model.

  1. How can you make a customer churn prediction from the model you fitted? Explain.  include the actual calculation. 

Explanation & Answer:
2 Parts 1 Discussions 9 Slides Presentation
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Explanation & Answer

I have attached the powerpoint presentation and the R code used in full

Customer Churn – Logistic regression
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Exploring the data
We have 21 variables
• 18 variables are
• 2 are numeric

• First variable only
enumerates each
customer, this can
be ignored.

Logistic regression
What do we want to model/predict?
• Customer churn

This is a categorical variable, only having two (binary) outcomes: Yes or No

What type of regression model is best?
• Logistic regression is used to model a binary categorical outcome (Lantz, 2019).


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