IT 405 Saudi Electronic University E Portals Development Discussion

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Computer Science

IT 405

Saudi electronic university



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    IT405 Description of Discussion Board 1. Post your answer to the question: While developing the Ajax web portal the biggest challenge you will face to have almost all the features of your web application on a single page. On other hand, a web portal is all about aggregating multiple resources. However, the Default.aspx is the most complicated of all the pages in your application because it does everything from loading Ajax frameworks to serving the widgets on the page. In your words, discuss the areas that users can see, in one of the real-life web portals, during their entire stay on that web portal.
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    Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

    IT 405


    E-portal Development

    IT 405

    E-portal Development
    A web portal refers to an internet-based platform which gathers information from

    different sources and puts them in a single user interface. The aim of a web portal is to present
    the most relevant information to users, according to their anticipated content. Web portals have

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