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MyWork Form 14/10/16 13:17 Print this page SCIH022059: Unit 1 Evaluation Student ID: C88176220 Student Name: Marin, Pol Course ID: SCIH022059 Course Name: Physical and Earth Sciences 2 Evaluation ID: 1 Evaluation Name: Unit 1 Evaluation Unit 1 Evaluation Physical and Earth Sciences 2 (SCIH 022 059) This evaluation will cover the lessons in this unit. It is open book, meaning you can use your textbook, syllabus, and other course materials. You will need to understand, analyze, and apply the information you have learned in order to answer the questions correctly. Part A: Matching Match each of the following with the correct definition. 1. a substance containing atoms that are all alike 2. a heterogeneous mixture containing a liquid in which visible particles settle a homogeneous mixture that remains constantly and uniformly mixed and has 3. particles so small that they cannot be seen with a microscope 4. a heterogeneous mixture whose particles never settle out 5. a. element b. compound c. solution d. suspension e. colloid a substance formed from two or more elements in which the exact combination and proportion of elements is always the same Part B: Multiple Choice Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question. 6. Which of the following is a pure substance? a. helium b. carbon dioxide c. H2O d. All of these are pure substances. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2783972&ptype=L Página 1 de 8 MyWork Form 14/10/16 13:17 7. Which of the following is not a compound? a. carbon dioxide b. ocean water c. sodium chloride d. chalk 8. Which of the following describes the key to distinguishing and classifying matter as a heterogeneous mixture? a. The sample must have visible boundaries. b. The entire sample must be either an element or a compound. c. The sample must contain at least one liquid component. d. The sample must be made from at least one synthetic material. 9. When would you see the Tyndall effect? a. when a solid precipitates from a liquid b. when visible light reflects and scatters due to the particles in a colloid c. when a colloid is disrupted and its contents precipitates d. when a solution reflects visible light 10. Which of the following contains the smallest particles? a. solutions b. suspensions c. colloids d. Solutions, suspensions, and colloids all contain the same size particles. 11. Which of the following is not a physical property of copper metal? a. Copper has a high melting point. b. Copper has a density greater than water. c. Copper reacts with most acids. d. Copper has an orange-red color. 12. The attraction of iron to a magnet is a a. chemical property. b. chemical change. c. physical property. d. physical change. 13. The process used for separating substances by evaporating a liquid and recondensing its vapor is called a. chemical change. b. distillation. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2783972&ptype=L Página 2 de 8 MyWork Form 14/10/16 13:17 c. conservation of mass. d. Tyndall effect. 14. Particles with an electrical charge of 1+ are a. neutrons. b. protons. c. electrons. d. quarks. 15. The subatomic particles known as a quarks are thought to be part of a. protons. b. neutrons. c. electrons. d. both protons and neutrons. 16. According to your textbook, how many quarks have scientists discovered so far? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 17. Which of the following scientists provided the concept that atoms are small dense spheres that do not change during chemical processes? a. Democritus b. Dalton c. Mendeleev d. Collider 18. The number of protons in an atom is equal to its a. mass number. b. average atomic mass. c. atomic number. d. number of neutrons. 19. The element sodium makes up part of common table salt and, in another form, is important in conducting the nerve impulses that enable you to type on your computer keyboard or dial your cell phone. What is the approximate atomic mass of sodium? (Hint: you can use the periodic table in your textbook to look this up!) a. 11 b. 12 c. 23 d. 1.67 x 10-24 https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2783972&ptype=L Página 3 de 8 MyWork Form 14/10/16 13:17 20. Which of the following criteria must be met for two atoms to represent isotopes? a. They must have the same number of electrons. b. They must have the same mass, but can have different numbers of protons. c. They must have the same number of electrons, but can have different numbers of protons. d. They must have the same number of protons, but have different masses. 21. The basis for arranging chemical elements in the order used by the modern periodic table is their a. proton number. b. mass number. c. metallic and non-metallic nature. d. isotopic masses. 22. The first arrangement of a type of periodic table was developed by a. Dmitri Mendeleev. b. Henry Moseley. c. John Dalton. d. Galileo Galilei. 23. Using the periodic table found in your textbook, which of the following elements is classified as a metalloid? a. calcium b. arsenic c. bromine d. krypton 24. According to the periodic table found in your textbook, which of the following elements is not known to be a metal? a. Mg b. Co c. K d. Cl 25. Which of the following symbols represents copper metal? a. C b. Cu c. Co d. Ce 26. Using the periodic table found in your textbook, which element is found in row 4, column 6? a. chromium b. hafnium https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2783972&ptype=L Página 4 de 8 MyWork Form 14/10/16 13:17 c. molybdenum d. manganese 27. The exact paths and motions of electrons around atoms are not actually predictable. However, the energy of a moving electron is helpful in approximating that electron’s relationship to an atom’s nucleus. What is the maximum number of electrons that could be found in an atom’s second energy level? a. 10 b. 8 c. 6 d. The number depends on the individual atom. 28. Sometimes dots are used to represent electrons in electron dot diagrams. How many dots would you use to represent the outer electrons you might find in an atom of sodium? a. one b. two c. four d. eight 29. Which of the following statements provides an accurate comment on the elements in column (group) 18 of the periodic table? a. They all are metals. b. They all have completely filled electrons in the outer energy level. c. They are all in the same period. d. They all quickly react with most metals. 30. Of all the known chemical elements, which of the following classifications is the largest? a. noble gases b. non-metals c. metals d. metalloids 31. Which element is the most chemically active of all nonmetals? a. fluorine b. uranium c. hydrogen d. oxygen 32. Because electrons move freely in metals, metals are a. brittle. b. hard. c. dull. d. conductors. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2783972&ptype=L Página 5 de 8 MyWork Form 14/10/16 13:17 33. Which elements are least reactive? a. metals b. noble gases c. halogens d. actinides 34. What is the most common state of matter in the universe? a. plasma b. gas c. solid d. liquid 35. Which uses Pascal's principle? a. aerodynamics b. buoyancy c. hydraulic lift d. density 36. What theory is used to explain the behavior of particles in gases? a. potential theory b. kinetic theory c. boiling point theory d. viscosity level theory 37. Which describes the energy required for a liquid at its boiling point to become a gas? a. heat of vaporization b. diffusion c. heat of fusion d. thermal energy 38. In which state of matter do particles stay close together, yet can slide past each other? a. solid b. liquid c. gas d. plasma 39. The relationship between fluid flow and pressure that you find when you put your thumb over the end of a hose to increase the spray is an example of a. Bernoulli's principle. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2783972&ptype=L Página 6 de 8 MyWork Form 14/10/16 13:17 b. Pascal's principle. c. Boyle's law. d. Charles's law. 40. CaCO3 is an example of which type of material? a. element b. mixture c. compound d. colloid 41. A student is trying to determine if a particular element is a metal. The element is most likely to be a metal if it is a. malleable. b. liquid. c. toxic. d. hot. 42. Which element is an important nutrient for humans? a. mercury b. calcium c. helium d. gold 43. Which of the following gives the best definition of allotropes? a. Allotropes are compounds containing the element aluminum. b. Allotropes are elements that conduct electricity. c. Allotropes are different structural forms of the same element. d. Allotropes are two atoms of the same element with different atomic numbers. 44. Which element listed below is considered an alkaline earth metal? a. oxygen b. magnesium c. chlorine d. hydrogen 45. Metals are ductile. This allows them to a. be pulled into long wires. b. conduct electricity. c. melt quickly. d. be pounded into large sheets. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2783972&ptype=L Página 7 de 8 MyWork Form 14/10/16 13:17 46. Which of these would be the best conductor of electricity? a. iodine b. silicon c. silver d. sulfur 47. The element carbon-14 can change to nitrogen-14 by losing two neutrons. Carbon-14 is a. an isotope. b. a radioactive isotope. c. a stable isotope. d. the most common carbon isotope. 48. Bubble formation produced by the foaming of an antacid table in a glass of water is a sign of a. physical change. b. chemical change. c. weathering. d. distillation. 49. Which of the following is not a property of liquids? a. They have a definite shape. b. They have a definite volume. c. They take the shape of their container. d. They have the ability to flow. 50. What type of substance is milk? a. colloid b. compound c. substance d. suspension When you have completed this evaluation, use the tools on this page to submit it for grading. You may only submit this evaluation one time. 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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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