CS 507 Saudi Electronic University Database Security Issues of Wal Mart Paper

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CS 507

Saudi electronic university



You have been subcontracted as an IT consultant to prepare a study report about the organization’s potential database security issues and concerns. The database in this organization stores extremely private and confidential information that needs to be protected and secured. You need to provide recommendations on how to best protect and safeguard this database from any possible malicious threat or attack.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

-Use third person

-Four to five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

-Contain an illustrative table or a diagram that can be created or included from properly cited external references. You can use Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel or Word to create this table or diagram.

-Include two external references in addition to the textbook.

-can use Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel or Word to create this table or diagram. You can use the attachment to create your table

-paper must academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.

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Impact Category Impact Analysis Assurance Level (See Page 68 of the textbook) Authentication Level 1 2 3 4 Comments / Point of Username / Username / Use of two In person Contact Password Password / independent authentication (Local Security authentication and multiple authentication) Protocol (Https) techniques factors Loss of capital or budget Authentication factors: knowledge, possession, inherence (individual biometrics), and something the individual does (Stallings, 2018, pp. 66-67). References Stallings, W. B. (2018). Computer security: Principles and practice (4th ed.). New York: Pearson. Created by: Dr. Edward Santiago Colorado State University – Global Campus March 2020
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Database Security Issues of Wal-Mart
Thesis statement: This essay discusses Wal-Mart database security issues and concerns and
various protection techniques. Database threats and security concerns have become a major threat
following the advancement of technology in Wal-Mart. The threats cause unauthorized access to
a database, data destruction, and illegal modification. While some threats are occurring
accidentally, a number of them are deliberately planned by malicious users.



Issues plaguing security of wal-mart database
a. Excessive Privilege of Access to Database
b. Malwares
c. SQL Injections


Implementation of Encryption and Decryption as a Safeguard


Other Protection and Safeguarding Measures


Threat/Safeguard Table





Database Security Issues of Wal-Mart

[Name of Student]

[Name of Institution]
[Course Name & Number]


Database Security Issues of Wal-Mart

Database threats and security concerns have become a major threat following the
advancement of technology in Wal-Mart. The threats cause unauthorized access to a database,
data destruction, and illegal modification. While some threats are occurring accidentally, a
number of them are deliberately planned by malicious users. Some examples of threats and
security concerns in Wal-Mart include excessive privilege granted to employees, database
injection attacks, storage media device manipulation, and malware. Operating whilst security
concerns, Wal-Mart is risking the loss of essential data worth a lot of money on daily basis.
Therefore, there is a need to invest heavily in database protection and safeguarding techniques to
save organizational data. Examples of techniques used to protect the database in Wal-Mart
include encryption technique and audit and monitoring of database activities. Other protection
and safeguarding techniques include managing the database user’s access and rights and
employees’ training (Williams et al., 2018). This essay will discuss Wal-Mart database security
issues, concerns and various protection techniques.
Issues Plaguing Security of Wal-Mart Database
Proper safeguarding and protection techniques can save an organization great loss caused
by database threats and security concerns. Wal-Mart needs to identify and protect its database
from various security issues and threats (Garcia, 2020). Common examples of security threats
include excessive database access to employees, backup media devices, malware, and SQL
Excessive Privilege of Access to Database
Offering employees excessive database privilege can result in serious issues when the
employees abuse the freedom. Excessive privilege could allow employees to access databases



outside their job specifications. For example, an employee whose duty is to update a client
account changes may abuse the privilege and reduce the client's account’s balance. Another
reason that may grant excessive employee privileges is the failure to update access permissions
for employees who may have left their jobs. Wal-Mart is currently facing a massive threat that
springs out of excessively privileged user accounts that have too much power.
A Malware is a database threat used to acquire a company's data using legitimate users
who use vulnerable hardware devices. It is usually contracted through storage backup devices.
Examples of malware critical media devices include disks, flashcards, flash drives, and tapes.
Media devices are unsecure and extremely vulnerable towards malicious manipulation. As a
result, media devices have been used for conducting security breaches for a long duration in
SQL Injections
SQL injections are threats caused whe...

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