Error Vs vs Vtotal Series and Parallel Circuits Physics Lab Report

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Series and Parallel Circuits lab 

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Introduction The purpose of this lab is to verify that Kirchoff's Voltage and Current laws are upheld in series and parallel simulated circuits. We will be creating a series, parallel and series-parallel resistive circuits with a DC source and placing meters to measure current and voltage. If you need a refresher on how to use Multisim Live, feel free to re-watch the tutorial video in Module 1. Procedure Part 1 - Draw and Simulate a Series Circuit in Multisim . . . 1. Create a series circuit with the following circuit elements: R1 = 14022 R2 = 21092 R3 = 30012 DC Source Voltage, Vs = 10V Voltmeters across R1, R2, R3 and Vs Ammeter anywhere in the circuit, since this is a series circuit and current is the same everywhere. (Don't forget to designate ground) . . 2. Run the simulation and from the simulated meter outputs, compute: o Vtotal = VR1 + VR2 + VR3 The percent error between Vtotal and Vs The power delivered/absorbed by each circuit element o o 3. Save a screenshot of your schematic showing the simulated meter outputs. Part 2 - Draw and Simulate a Parallel Circuit in Multisim 1. Using the same circuit element values from above, create a parallel circuit. Install ammeters near the source as well as down each branch. Install voltmeters across each resistor and across the voltage source. 2. Run the simulation and from the simulated meter outputs, compute: o o Itotal = IR1 + IR2 + IR3 The percent error between Itotal and Is The power delivered/absorbed by each circuit element o 3. Save a screenshot of your schematic showing the simulated meter outputs. Part 3 - Draw and Simulate a Series-Parallel Circuit in Multisim 1. Using the same circuit element values from above, create a series-parallel circuit. Place R1 in series with a parallel network consisting of R2 and R3. Install ammeters near the source as well as down each branch. Install voltmeters across each resistor and across the voltage source. (No supplied image, you try it!) 2. Run the simulation and from the simulated meter outputs, compute: 1. Itotal = 1R1 + IR2 + IR3 2. The percent error between Itotal and Is 3. Why is this percent error larger? How should we change the way Itotal is computed and compared to Is? Please explain. 4. Vtotal = VR1 + VR2 + VR3 5. The percent error between Vtotal and Vs 6. Why is this percent error larger? How should we change the way Vtotal is computed and compared to Vs? Please explain. 3. Save a screenshot of your schematic showing the simulated meter outputs.
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Vtotal= VR1+VR2+VR3; Vtotal=2.1538+3.2308+4.6154; Vtotal=10 [V]
Error=(Vs-Vtotal) /Vs; Error= (10-10) /10; Error= 0%
PR1= (2.1538) (0.015385); PR1= 0.033136213 [Watts] absorbed
PR2= (3.2308) (0.015385); PR2= 0.049705858 [Wa...

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